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Everything posted by kenshin52

  1. well this project is closed so no updates anymore. therefore use RSD or Load!
  2. i like trance, house, rnb, hip hop....
  3. nice guide dude it´s easy to understand and the steps are also easy..... Good job man
  4. well the problem with vista is, that it may send information to windows. So i think xp is better at the moment until we all know a lot more about vista
  5. hmm i saw this video month ago.... these are nice colours but i think black glow is the best :D
  6. yeah DBZ-Online i was waiting for this. I hope the game comes out soon :D
  7. kenshin52

    ANIME !!

    well i watched many animes but i love the style of Ghost in the Shell. After that i think Bleach is the best.....
  8. Well after posting this its a matter of time till your friend gets banned, cause drake will know that there is some kind of exploit for dupe left..... U should keep it for yourself or make the post hidden :D
  9. Well guys with the new DepmAx64 it got patched. It is only a matter of time till every admin will get this fix. So forget it!!!! It is rly sad to hear that there are russians who can make scripts for such exploits and they get fixed so fast :(
  10. Well the only problem is gameguard if u can bypass it u can use hlapex or l2phx it doesnt matter cause normaly all servers should be fixed.... But this one is awesome thx godofaden
  11. u are right :D its not in the post omg NVM my failure sry about that But multisell doesnt work only skills..........
  12. no u cant u can only get skills man read the post omg :D And yes i read the post although my postcount doesnt match :D
  13. why only donators or platinum members can see this??? i think a limit of post count would be enough too this isnt fair to members that cant or dont want to donate....
  14. this script is awesome if u can see this infos maybe u can also see stats from chars and inventory and so on hmm....... i should learn scripting :D
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