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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Sub Zero


  2. [GR]afou les oti to xriazese gia tis diakopes sou kai den tha exeis PC parto ;) apla den tha mporis na lionis se Games toso poli...
  3. dont speak to him about kamael >.< he dont want to know what is kamael..only interlude and down! ;D
  4. +1 of course..! as i think you don't need lap top(you only use your PC at home so you don't need a lap top to move it every time you want...and its cheaper)
  5. Great Topic..let me write my opinion...c1 nice game play and very good times...c2 some new thinks l2 is getting better...c3 OWNS as hackz0r say the new bosses just rock..c4,lineage2 in the TOP ;D c5 holly sh1t Interlude is my love...i play only interlude,maybe the skills make the characters a lil bit better but its cool! KAMAEL..oh ncSOFT give us to play this crap with new race...what the new race have?hah only one wind! hellbound...new thinks,max level 85?holly sh1t!at the end all the characters will have 1,000 skills and they will be immortal so whats the point?we want to play l2 in the next years not only for one year so dont -beep- up the game plx! everyone is playing interlude with custom kamael thinks! so..ncSoft give back teh interlude clients and make the servers Interlude!or gtfo at the end we will fight with kalasnikof and armors with name Emo Armor ..Punk Armor and we will learn skills for skating...lol stop it
  6. my opinion about the 3rd(i didnt try)if the weapon will brake the inventory from 80/80 will go to 81/80...so it doesnt exist^^
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22663.0 here...its a nice pvp server with FULL PVP ..my name xDemonicSouL
  9. you have update your client to hellbound?maybe for this you cant join im gonna join too ;) /join
  10. wow great job 3lackheart thanks for share it vent00za
  11. alithos anesti :) ainte aurio me to kalo na perasoume orea
  12. καλη ανασταση παιδια! να σας πω και χριστος ανεστη? ;D θα πουμε αυριο... αιντε και καλη διασκεδαση :)
  13. +1 karma great job ,keep up the good work btw complete it please,make a giant shield and one handed sword for mages!
  14. welcome ;) man you are wrong everything was unhidden but because of leechers Admin have add hidden topics..only 10-20 people was posting and all the others was leeching..anyway i think we dont have to apologise you about the forum..... welcome again
  15. sorry for double post but i want to tell you that he had 30(+) players online today!its the second day ;) we are waiting for you!
  16. oxi exeis skotosi pote spourgiti?
  17. grrrrrrr
  18. without dance/songs we wasnt have people online..i like the idea of an archer/pp archer/bd archer/songer or mage/buffer etc but people dont want it ..anyway
  19. nai sou xei gamisi pote to xeri skilos?
  20. mono ton skilo mou filaw xD oxi exeis xtipisi pote kathigiti?
  21. u dont get -1 for spam..u get -1 for posting warez as i see in the reason alex2008gr was thinkin' that he is a super mod..he didnt warn you first.. *topic locked* your karma is 0 but please give a look to the rules..
  22. when warez is posted some times members is banned u got -4 karma (+3/-7) and u aren't banned so smile xD could u remove the links that is illegal?
  23. everything is working' perfect but we need the new patch..tommorow i think u will play perfect for now dont speak to special shop EDIT:as i see misc shop isnt spawned so u cant buy arrows potions ss etc..i dont have access because the server is wiped ;) tomorrow they server will run with everything normal ;D
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