Great Topic..let me write my opinion...c1 nice game play and very good times...c2 some new thinks l2 is getting better...c3 OWNS as hackz0r say the new bosses just rock..c4,lineage2 in the TOP ;D c5 holly sh1t Interlude is my love...i play only interlude,maybe the skills make the characters a lil bit better but its cool!
KAMAEL..oh ncSOFT give us to play this crap with new race...what the new race have?hah only one wind! thinks,max level 85?holly sh1t!at the end all the characters will have 1,000 skills and they will be immortal
so whats the point?we want to play l2 in the next years not only for one year so dont -beep- up the game plx!
everyone is playing interlude with custom kamael thinks!
so..ncSoft give back teh interlude clients and make the servers Interlude!or gtfo
at the end we will fight with kalasnikof and armors with name Emo Armor ..Punk Armor and we will learn skills for stop it