Sub Zero
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kalispera file auto pou les den ginete...na kanis trade kai na sou pernoun ta items me tipota...min ta pisteuis auta
kamael [Kamael L2J] L2 Galaxy [PvP,Stuck Sub,RPG]
Sub Zero replied to Noble®'s topic in Private Servers
please remove your quote :S Flare is workin' on it as i know the server is ready only the system need some work -
kai mia pou imaste sto spam topic dn iparxi problima... den kanei account giati feugi ban kateuthian...dn thimaste enan pou ekane mexri kai to avatar tou NS c/p?autos einai
tha faei ban kateuthian...pistopiimeno apo emena.. to filaraki sou o MEGA LEECHER an mpi edw mesa exei ban...icekiller/sexykiller/waterkiller kai posa alla onomata idi exoun figi... o top 1 spam/leech hunter einai edw xD den glinotene
The Kamael : Hellbound Features
Sub Zero replied to FightToTheDeath's topic in General Discussion [English]
official server is gettin' like a custom pvp server..lol this sux -
ok because u'll eat me and i hate spam +i dont want troubles because im becoming insane i just make a top ten list with links in you tube ;)
i sell the songs?Oo its just uploaded songs..anyway oh the update is just in the first message i post the name of the songs :P
kamael [Kamael L2J] L2 Galaxy [PvP,Stuck Sub,RPG]
Sub Zero replied to Noble®'s topic in Private Servers
ok we will move to updates..to make the server better an example heroes change every week -
poli sosto auto ;) giati apo ki pou imouna pio poli mazi tis epidi tin ithela giname fili xD e entaxi meta apo enamisi xrono ksekolisa(dn tis ixa pi tpt)kai imaste oso pio poli fili ginete anamesa se ena agori me koritsi
Astrological Guide to MMORPGs!!!
Sub Zero replied to Sub Zero's topic in General Discussion [English]
oh i will make and one comment for me ;D i"m Gemini everything is true i"m exploring everything...(and the most times i find bugs without exploring for bugs xD ) when i got money i spend it...and always im in the move + the other is telling..great topic xD -
gonna update it wait xD im a gold member if gold members post trojans too..what can i say xD wait to update it
because im bored i leave some songs here..i know its a gaming forum but..i hope you like it xD 1 AFI - Miss Murder 2 Avril Lavigne - Nobodys Home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbm4G_7rGzQ 3 Dolores O'Riordan - Ordinary Day 4 Kelly_Clarkson - Behind Those Hazel Eyes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svxP2LjBg_4 5 Mary J Blige and U2 - One Love 6 Muse - Space Dementia 7 Muse - Starlight 8 REM - Losing My Religion 9 The Fray - How to Save a Life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmFi2snLr7o 10 The Killers - Somebody Told Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gjlNn0mG8Y
no no no it wont write greek...u press the buttons and nothing appears must add the patch and then do shift+control btw greek isnt someting simple ^^ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω
the name patch is nwindow.dll.BAK maybe must rename it too nwindow.dll ?
karfose tin me ta matia...na eisai o euatos sou kai na exeis humor ;) p.x an sou pi pos se lene pes tis mantepse :P kai tetia kantin na trelathi ^^ ta ipolipa tha erthoun mona tous siga siga auta apo emena den exw poli empiria alla min anxonese na min skeftese 'eimai oreos den eimai'? tipota apo auta apla o euatos sou poli off apo to forum alla ntaxi mia ikogenia imaste
Capricorn (December 22 - Januray 19) Goal: To be proud of their achievements. Vibes: Poweful resilient energy. Desire: To be admired by all. Class: Mage Description: Capricorn MMORPG players are high achievers. Always climbing higher and never content until you reach the top, you will likely level faster, complete more quests and have better gear than others in your gaming circle. However, some Capricorns are not very adventurous and prefer to camp and stay on the path most travelled unless you are pushed to venture out of your comfort zone. But you are patient and persevering, and you know that the first step of the journey is the most difficult. Capricorns must be careful to balance work and play, if you let your favourite MMO become a job then you will not achieve true personal fulfilment from your successes. Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if there are obstacles in your way, your ambition to reach your ultimate goal keeps you moving forever onwards and upwards. Although conservative and cautious, you are willing to try unusual approaches on the road to to the top. While you often desire the company of a group or a guild, you are also quite happy to solo. Capricorn MMO players will strategize, organize and never give up, motivated by success, loot and status. You are cautious when it comes to guilds, but once you feel at home, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a loyal friend and groupmate. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Goal: To understand life's mysteries. Vibes: High frequency. Desire: To be unique and original. Class: Mage or Enchanter Description: It's the age of Aquarius and your sign is regarded as the zodiac's leader. You are a trendsetter, and would make a great guild leader. As a mind oriented individual you would make a good spell caster in any game you play! Aquarians have an intense ability to live on many mental levels, making you the perfect Illusionist. Due to your focus on intellectual exploration, you are also well suited to crafting and inventing. Due to your ability to bounce between extremes, you can easily play the role of good or evil races. Aquarians are also humanitarian, which brings out your desire to help others and you tend to prefer groups over solo'ing. You play your class well as you do not let emotion get in your way. But you are also outgoing, loyal and amiable, thus attracting friends where ever you go. Aquarians never stop thinking and often suffer from insomnia. You also have strong political and social beliefs in-game. In fact, Aquarians are happiest when they have something to believe in and nurture. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Goal: To avoid feeling alone and instead feel connected to others and the world at large. Vibes: Erratic Energy levels. Desire: To live their dreams and turn fantasies into realities. Class: Healer or Warrior Description: Most Pisces are talented and gifted in many ways, yet still manage to spend most of their lives confused and looking for direction. You are often torn between two paths. Due to your often muddled state, you would probably not make the best of guild leaders. Pisces are known as being both saints and sinners, therefore you can swap between good and evil races with ease. Additionally, you can play both a great healer and adept warrior. Pisces are very adaptable and while you may not lead the pack, you are up for pretty much anything the rest of the group wants to do. Diversity is another bonus, you can play pretty much any class well, so are often called upon to bring out your alts. You spend much of your life in fantasy land, in one sense or another, and due to this you make an excellent roleplayer. Your emotions are your weak spot, and you may sometimes resent your inability to turn people down, even if you know you are being taken advantage of. However, you continue to see life as you want to see it, as your star sign is one of both miracles and disillusionment. One thing Pisces must watch out for is in-game relationships. Be careful not to get your heart broken, but at the same time keep an open mind so as not to let the "one" slip away. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Goal: Enjoy the thrill of the moment. Vibe: Enthusiastic Desire: To lead the way for others. Class: Rogue Description: Aries are typically regarded as adventurous, active and outgoing. In an Aries' favourite MMO, it doesn't matter the zone, they have been there before you. Aries is also a naive and trusting sign, so be careful that you aren't lead astray by those with poor intentions. You are independent and assertive, so it's not uncommon for you to go solo'ing and find yourself a bit over your head. However, your faith remains untouched by hardship and it won't stop you from doing it again! You are a child at heart and the MMO world is a magical place for you. Aries is also a masculine sign, so women born under it tend to be competitive in nature. Fear the Aries woman on the battlefield! Aries, whether male or female, are doers rather than talkers. They are impulsive and act first then ask questions later. Due to your nature, you are probably better suited as a follower in a guild setting, rather than a leader. Aries love challenges, watch for them taking on epic battles alone just for kicks. It is not uncommon for an Aries to do something foolish just to rock the boat. While this can cause waves within a guild, people will want to keep the Aries around for their own amusement. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Goal: Emotional and financial security. Vibe: Determined energy. Desire: To have a secure, happy and wealthy life. Class: Druid Description: Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socializers. You are most comfortable solo'ing casual in your favourite MMO. But at the same time Taureans make great guild leaders. You are head-strong but capable, and you won't let your fellow gamers run all over you. Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. You can turn off the world around you, take your time to make decisions and then tune back in when you are ready to deal with the pressures around you. Taureans like their creature comforts, watch for them to own the biggest and most luxuriously decorated in-game dwellings. Taureans are closely associated with all things of earth and nature, making you the perfect Druid. When it comes to love, you've got the right stuff baby! Watch for Taureans to be the town flirts. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Goal: To explore a little bit of everything. Vibe: Intense mental energy. Desire: To be ahead of the crowd. Class: Guardian Description: Geminis are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences, terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous. Due to your "leap before you look" attitude, Geminis probably would not make the best guild leaders, however, you would probably fit right in to the role of officer or second in command. Geminis have gained a reputation for being the big talkers of the zodiac, and in addition to your gift of the gab, Geminis are often talented writers. You may be the one offering your time to take care of the guild's forum or website. People may find it hard to keep up with you, but they'll have fun trying! Whether you like it or not, people are often talking about you, as you do tend to lead an unusual life. When it comes to life in-game, you are multi-dimensional with your hand in a number of pies. Adventuring, raiding, crafting, and counting your gold! That's right, if you're looking for a loan then look for a Gemini, as they will likely be in possession of the server's riches. Although they are quick to earn their silver bits, Geminis can also be quick to spend it, so watch your bank balance! You love adventure and out-thinking other people. Gemini are often in charge of raid strategies. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Goal: Constant reassurance and intimacy. Vibe: Moody Desire: To feel safe (emotionally, spiritually, romantically and financially). Class: Necromancer Description: A bundle of contradictions, Cancers can be compassionate and caring with friends and family, yet cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Like the crab, Cancers can be hard and insensitive on the outside, but soft and sensitive below the surface. Up and down like a yo-yo, most Cancers feel different from one moment to the next. But this characteristic is actually part of their charm. However, due to their volatile nature, it's probably better for you to take a back seat in the guild department, as you will be happier (usually) following the herd rather than having to deal with everyone else's issues. Solo or group action, it's all good for Cancer. Sometimes you like to be left alone, and other times you like to be in a group where you can show off your big nukes! Be careful with online relationships, Cancers take it very badly when things turn sour in a relationship. What else can be said about Cancer? You are fascinating, mysterious, stimulating and alluring. Cancer is one of the most magical star signs, making you the perfect dark Mage or Warlock. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Goal: To lead the way. Vibe: Radiant Energy. Desire: To be a star. Class: Ranger Description: Leos are ruled by the heart. Born fortunate, you are charismatic, good humoured and positive. Leos attract an abundance of friends and opportunities. As you can probably guess, these qualities make you the perfect guild leader. And lead you will, with style, fairness and maturity. Leos are totally devoted and faithful, if you're the captain you would certainly go down with the ship, but in your case the ship likely won't be given the chance to sink. However, should your heart or trust be broken, you will never forgive or forget. If your guild were to turn on you, the broken Leo will cut all ties and move to a new server. While Leos can be very protective towards those they care about, they can also be immature and frightened by new things. Due to these traits, Leo is not always well suited to battle on the front lines, instead you would be better off playing a healer or ranged fighter. Leos always do better in group situations and do not enjoy solo'ing very much, as they prefer not to be alone. Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers, their main weakness is their pride. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Goal: To do the right thing. Vibe: Compassionate and caring. Desire: To love and be loved in return. Class: Healer or Shaman Description: When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs. Virgos tend to work in the service of others, making them the perfect group member, guild member or GM. Virgos also make the perfect healers, and when it comes to going into battle they will maintain faith in the big "win" and refuse to become cynical. Virgos are very kind-hearted, which is sometimes preyed upon by others. You will be the first to offer to help out a guild member in need, or pull out an alt for a raid, but be careful not to be taken advantage of. Sometimes Virgos can be quite shy, making it difficult to find the right group to fit in to. You will allow others to take the main stage, while you devote your time towards making those around you happy or successful. Virgos are givers, and the first to donate a few gold to a needy newbie. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Goal: To be consistent. Vibe: Unsteady Desire: To live an easy, uncomplicated life. Class: Bard or Druid Description: While Librans often maintain a happy-go-lucky appearance, this may not always be the case below the surface. You can turn off the world around you, and often you will prefer to solo and go guildless. Librans are the perfect roleplayers, as escapism often suits them. In-game you are successful in business and you have a creative side which draws you to crafting. While you do enjoy solitude to some degree, you also possess an outward charm that allows you to win over powerful friends. Ultimately though you are seeking peace and harmony. You will often agree to tasks that you may not want to do, just to appease those around you. When you are truly happy people can find you in exotic and beautiful places, exploring with a partner, or sitting in a tavern enjoying a friendly chat. Librans should be careful not to take whatever is offered, instead you must hold out for what you really want. Be it a guild, a piece of gear, or even romance. You should probably leave the guild officer position to someone else, you'd only tire of it quickly and end up stuck in a position you didn't want to begin with. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Goal: To survive against all opposition. Vibe: Resilient Desire: To triumph. Class: Dark Mage Description: Fate-filled lives and intense drama, Scorpios are often wise beyond their years. Scorpios often have all of the answers, and require a "higher calling" in order to develop their own happiness. You are not happy to sit in the background, Scorpios are at their best in power positions such as guild leader or officer. Passion, desire and power go hand in hand for Scorpios. You are secretive and walk to a different beat. People can be around you for years and never really know you. Scorpios are expert at hiding their feelings, and often there is a storm brewing that others are not even aware of. Scorpios are faithful and dedicated, but if you fall out badly with a Scorpio, they are likely never to forgive or forget. Sometimes it's important for Scorpios to take a time-out and get in some solo action. During this time they will likely not reply to Tells or Guild Chat. Guilds with a Scorpio leader are winners, at the top of their game and the top of their server. However, Scorpios must watch their attitudes, as they can often become negative and overly critical about something, someone or even themselves. Scorpios are best suited to the dark arts and evil races. Although you like to be in the thick of things, you are also content to stand at the back, watch your troops in action and let loose with the big nukes. Losing is not an option. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Goal: To live the good life. Vibe: Overly expressive - frequent burnouts. Desire: To make a difference in the world. Class: Assassin Description: Natural exuberance, sense of adventure and a love of life makes you the most optimistic of the zodiac signs. Sagittarians set their sights on what they want and then make it their own. You believe anything is possible, so giving up is not an option. Wiped on a raid? No big deal, you'll be back for more... over and over again until you find success. Sometimes it's hard to tie down these Sagittarian free spirits, and due to this fact, you may find them doing a bit of guild hopping until they realize what they are ultimately looking for. You like to explore new cultures and ideas, so when it comes to alts, you've got all of your slots full! Due to your need for freedom you make a great solo player. Your lack of tact also makes it difficult to group with others if you are not in the right frame of mind. In fact, Sagittarians often prefer to remain guildless as they demand independence. When you do find the right friendships though, you are big-hearted and will give the shirt off your back if needed. Clearly Sagittarians do not make the best guild leaders, but they are adept players and if you are lucky enough they will grace your group from time to time!
Youtube Contest,make a video! Win Platinum Membership!
Sub Zero replied to Maxtor's topic in Announcements and News
ok its my first video i have search the windows video maker and i have complete something..i dont join the contest i just upload the video xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1YZDQbIAy4 -
dont blame...you could blame but give and one awnser
lol dude he just telling the truth every time and he get - karmas...he got +9 karma from shares and -5 from tellin' the truth(not every time some times he blame people..he is aggressive xD ) i cant saw you the log 'who change my karma' but no he dont have a second account ;) locked* the next time if you to ask something pm a moderator...btw dont make new accounts with just trying to saw something...tell what you want with your real account *locked*
Whats ur favourite Dagger class
Sub Zero replied to ragnarockkk's topic in General Discussion [English]
+1 btw learn to play l2 elf/dark elf dagger got too dash Blinding Blow : While attempting a powerful attack on the enemy's vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases one's Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. -
i know this bug for a long time..yeah u can do it ( i was playing mafia before some months on the stuck sub k00fs vs n00bs) but if the GM catch you u'll be banned
[Share]Bow of Halisha fixed glow
Sub Zero replied to Imperium's topic in Client Development Discussion
great job mate! thanks for share -
If i were god i would kill the 75% of Greek People because they are morons
How to put any dye on any class ?
Sub Zero replied to qulimax's topic in Request Hacks & Cheats [English]
you do something wrong ;) well make a sub class to a class that can take the symbol you want speak to the symbol maker and press draw a symbol NOW DONT PRESS NOTHING!go to the grand master and change to the class you want to add the symbol ok now go back to the symbol maker ONLY TARGET HIM!!!!!dont press again draw a symbol or something you have already the window with the symbol you want to add!press the symbol that was already from your other class and you'll see that it will be added ;D hope you understand better what hackz0r tell you ;)