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Everything posted by joogis

  1. iam playing GTA IV and its awsome you can download it form torrent sites like : linkomanija.net and torrent.lt (PC version )
  2. well i am playing GTA IV and it rocks but i didnt try Mafia II so i dont know ;/ i love both these games :)
  3. OOO this is one of the best drifting games ever !!! Try it !! if you have steering weel so it more better grathics is good too just awsome game online ! Single player a little bit boring :)
  4. NO piracy populates the music and help to buy some CDs :D
  5. NFS and Grand turismo series is the best Racing gas imo.....
  6. Well i voted for L2 its the best for me !! but if you would make this post in WoW forum you would see opposite result :D
  7. hmmm i liked : spiderman, resident evil , and offcourse Godfather and Scarface
  8. mine was : Dynablaster , lost vikings, and dune :)
  9. nod32 best for me it dont eat too mutch of your PC :) i had kaspersky it sucked i had to uninstall windows :(
  10. Yap yap GH is the best !! most dmg !! nice look !!
  11. interesting wery good info about taking raids and TANKS wery usefull !! :) Thank you :)
  12. :D :D nice i agree its so addictive i play l then i stop but in some time i go play l again its imposible to stop :D
  13. can you tell me some reasons why you choose TH ?!??! i dont get it :?
  14. i preffer AW for PK or glady :) and paladin can kill all clases !!! in high rates :) just to pk with paladin is hard because its slow but you allways can take bow :)
  15. in high rates i make warlord max lvl and go to primeval island just buff yourself and get good gear and go !!! good adena :) or take nuker like SPH and go to toi 10 or 11 flor dont rimember there are angels with good drop :)
  16. i agree with you 100% but i prefer AW it looks better :) in mass pvp you can kill all with AW PW . TH is good just for dash and mirage skill (that cancels target ) :)
  17. ya phantom summoners good in gracia have pet and nuker skills O_O :) damn many like these clases i agree with hawkeye but TH WTF !! ? ! Th good for its dash andthats all :D in my opinion !
  18. i puted those that i played i dont like that class soo..... :)
  19. Damn its nice its better to know the effect more detailed i think then in lineage2.com
  20. So my favorite 2 main classes : PALADIN and AW and sometimes DA they have good 81 skills in gracia !!! ;D
  21. buy like 5-10 weapons and get them all to safe and then but one by one on alll weapons. Or just go to water it wont burn there :D
  22. Come on PALADIN rules and DA best stuns p.def m.def ROKCS. and dark elfs DAger AW the best one hit killer and tyrant i jsut like it but dont know how to pay with it so ;/
  23. O_O this isincreadible i cant wait for this game i have MAFIA in my PC even now and then MAFIA II will come i wont go outside :)))
  24. i had this game i played it like one day then i got bored creating that monster is cool but other things not so good ;/
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