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About FallenStar

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  1. trusted better than any other seller around. Fast support and guy who inform you about antibot updates etc.
  2. scammer !!! he gave me used key dont trust him....
  3. Corrupted as fuck ,will fail again in 10days max maybe less
  4. this proofs nothing
  5. he donated also hero pts by i format my pc and i lose this screenshot http://prntscr.com/8buqto <====Server Advertised by scammer who will scamm your accounts after 10days so vercetti will start lose ppl so he will open other server
  6. Most Corrupted Server EU ,will fail again after 1 week,photos from 2k15, Server Advertised by scammer who will scamm your characters after some days, 2 last tales project failed in less than 10days .
  7. Worst server to play, fail after after 1 week .
  8. New Items Added, Already sold 31b , 2 vesper noble robe sets founda+6lvl7 +one heavy full +6 lvl 7 == Add me in skype and we can told about better price.
  9. WTS Adena 1 bil =3,8eur (Current Stock: 22b) WTS Saga Coins 1saga coin=0,8 Eur (150 Sagga coins for sell right now) New Items Added!! Vorpal Light/Heavy/Robe +6 set full attrilvl7 WTS Duelist +22 skills+ olf+6 + Noblesse WTS Bishop +18skills Noblesse clean olf WTS Dominator +20 Skills Noblesse Services Price can be negotiated. Instant Services. 1) Noblesse char =5euro (fast delivery ,in less than 10mins u got it) 2)Full attribute any armor set 3)Foundation any armor set 4) LvL Up Main/Subs 5)Enchant at skills (price is big and not negotiable) Payment Method: Paypal,Paysafe Cards Skype:delux.13
  10. the most trusted and fast trader arround. thx again
  11. 150 real online
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