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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Well, I didn't in the end. If I didn't call paypal (which not everybody does ;) ) I would get scammed, he tried to scam me actually this way. And he scammed adena from adenaRPGclub. Why you care so much?
  2. I want to buy 100 euros Webmoney Euros (or same amount in dollars) for paypal 105 euros (or same amount in dollars) Pm me.
  3. Can this guy get IP banned? Proofs in this topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206286.0 Will be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Can this guy get IP banned? Proofs in this topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206286.0 Will be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. 1) Date of scam: 2011.05.04. MSN: p0rn0starz@hotmail.com Real name: He had't said so Scam method: Trying to force me on shitty trades like trade up with someone else also he was refusing to talk to me on voice communication. Server: L2cerberus Topic link: It was a pm on msn Who did the scammer scam: He didn'T but he almost did it on me. Additional Info:He is trying to blame me now. Ithink this men is a 13ish kid or so. 2) Date of scam: 15/5/2011 MSN: kokupl@hotmail.com Real name: Didnt say Scam method: Took 25 euro paysafe and loged out from msn and game. Server: L2Cerberus Additional Info: I am not sure if he is mxc member but i believe he is... Just be carefull with this msn thats all.... 3) ICQ: unknown Date of scam: 3rd August 2011, between 11:53 am - 1:00 pm gmt+1 MSN: teobabar@hotmail.com ( the same for paypal ) Skype: unknown MXC Nickname: rpgclubx15 Real name: Theologos Babaroutsis (according to paypal acc info) Scam method: i sent money on his paypal acc, he said they were pending, after 90mins he went offline from msn Server: RPG Club x15 Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203136.0 Who did the scammer scam: me Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) http://i56.tinypic.com/29nt3lk.jpg , http://i52.tinypic.com/e7z31e.jpg , http://i56.tinypic.com/5anjgw.jpg , http://i53.tinypic.com/2r751g6.jpg Additional Info: it is very sad, there were 3 different nicknames saying he was trusted person in the topic he is from greece, so can u add the info: be very carefull with dealing with greek people which u dont know the r trusted,
  6. If you don't wanna get scammed next time make sure to use my service! [table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][/table] Since I got scammed I came up with an idea to create a topic with all scammers, scum and retards who just can't trade fairly. I am gonna update this topic whenever somebody gets scammed and informs me. Please, whenever you get scammed, send me a private message with all the information, which should consist of: Sheet to be sent through pms: ICQ: Date of scam: MSN: Skype: MXC Nickname: Real name: Scam method: Server: Topic link: Who did the scammer scam: Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) Additional Info: With this information, we can prevent futher scamms from happening and eventually get the scammer banned / punished. Don't forget to add some proofs, it is very important. Thanks for reading and take care.
  7. Scammer, got scammed for 150 euro. Take care, information: skype: ezwdr222 paypal e-mail: drgppr@yahoo.com name: Thyphien Son (might be fake)
  8. Lineage 2 is not at all about graphic card mate. One little thing is behind fps like this during recording, and it is a SSD Hard drive. Check: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBSqQEPNoD8
  9. Check this video, I was fucking bored of promo videos of all private servers who just took official L2 trailers and cut the pieces together and added some shit music (example of shitty promo video: ) But this one really touched my heart, if all of private free servers had promo videos like this, I think there would not be server with 10 people on. You can see a lot of effort put into promo video, that means server must be of a good quality. HERE'S THE VIDEO:
  10. "Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post." Take care next time.
  11. I mean .. uhm .. I could use it always. I didn't need this guide? Is it only me .. ?
  12. Thanks for the guide, but I can use my ig walker normally on my windows 7 64x.
  13. This is EU/US forum. We are EU/US. Why should be discuss matters about Lineage 2 regarding Asian community? Lineage 2 is dying by releasing these new chronicles to EU/US, that's it.
  14. Ye this is a copy to this video: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=enchant+safe&aq=f Not as funny as the original though.
  15. Все нормально, 600 постов ето ок. Хотите видеть, покупайте донат аккаунты.
  16. Why are you so exised about it? You can play already H5 official client on Russian Official Server for free (l2.ru). Not a big deal.
  17. Legit trader.
  18. Current RPG-CLUB Gracia Final is NOT L2 java platform.
  19. oguzhanx is trusted member so I don't see why should he be lying. I think he's scammer, too.
  20. Ye, same question. Will it work on W7 64x ?
  21. I'll tell you why I like HoN the best. (I actually played LoL, HoN and Dota unlike you who played only 1 game and think it's the best - this is retarded) 1/ Dota: Yes, it's good. I played it for 3 years and I enjoyed it. Still, the graphics are old school, gameplay is slow-paced and w3 engine limits developers' thoughts and ideas. The platform which is dota mainly played on is Garena, which is a big retarded piece of spastic community using hacks and cheats daily and moreover Garena won't do nothing bout it. 2/ HoN: Best graphics out of the three games, gameplay is fast-paced, it is much more dynamic than DotA, and it has got 90% features as Dota does. If you like DotA, you will like HoN, unless you're retarded. I was having the same attitude like retards in this topic such as "DOTA ONLI OTHER GAMEZ ONLI COPY PASTO!!!!! JAJAJAJA", but I was forced by my friend to try HoN, and yes, HoN succeeded. It has many new addons like anti-leave protections, when disconnected u can return back, and many other. 3/ LoL: It's good, but it differs from Dota/Hon a bunch. . There are some skill trees or smth like that, I don't like that. You gain with that adventage over the other players (who just started playing LoL) in the beggining of the match, which is unbalanced. You cant DENY IN LOL < LOL!!!! - wtf? You can't deny? BIG MINUS!!!!!! You deny properly you must have a little skill, in LoL you dont do this - LoL doesn't require skill in one of aspects = big minus. Graphics are walt disney - dislike. One good thing is that it is free. Conclusion: If you're pussy, play LoL. If you want to have some fun + cheats, hacks, play DotA on Garena. If you want to have serious and good DotA games, play DotA on RGC client. If you want to challenge real pro players, play HoN.
  22. No and the server will fail. Because everybody played c4/c5 because there was l2walker and bots. You sure will have protection. Old chronicle with anti-bot protection? No thanks. If I could bot there, ok.
  23. He's not back hes still in Jail... -.-''''''''''
  24. how do you like my new siggy ololo i didnt make it though
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