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About X70

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Trusted seller! 5/5 stars very quick response and easy to work with
  2. Trusted 100% there was a problem w/ our transaction and he fixed it, very professional
  3. +1 Trusted seller, i traded adena on giran to adena on talking island with him.
  4. out of stock :)
  5. i would be careful on how u trade him
  6. pm me, i am interested in your bd.
  7. hello, i am interested in your BD. i can offer 30e. it says you are not accepting pms.

  8. Updated adena count on TI server
  9. hey i am interested in buying 2kk adena on giran server if you have
  10. trusted seller 5/5 stars. very professional
  11. ADENA : OUT OF STOCK ITEMS : OUT OF STOCK CHARS: Silver Ranger 59.40% ( VIP 4 11k points, E-mail ) $120 SE 48 (VIP 2) SOLD SWS 47 (VIP 3) SOLD Warsmith 51 (VIP 4) SOLD Bounty Hunter 55 (VIP 4) SOLD Bladedancer 49 (VIP 4) SOLD Prophet 50 (VIP 2) SOLD ITEMS: Glaive SOLD +3 Atuba Mace SOLD +3 Full Plate Set SOLD +3 Karmian Set w/ Boots SOLD
  12. LXB sold. Char is still available.
  13. +1, his first post since 2012 and its not my thread that he keeps flaming . if you don't think the price is fair then we can work something out with counter offer but i still think it reasonable. will use middleman if needed.
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