Theres a place at orc starting town near caves,u can spoil cbp and orih ore and...m ore i think.
Kasha dire wolf gives it.
Sry for mistakes,its been rly long since iv played low rate.
Game is cool if u r like me[i like brutality and blood + assassination] but gets bored after a while coz its constant,every mission is the same only cities that sux...but nice if u wonna relax and c some blood :P
Mostly metal,but if I like one song from one artist il listen it ;)
List: KoRn ; System Of A Down ; Tool ; Nightwish ; Disturbed ; Finntroll ; BloodHound Gang ;
edit: i posted 2 videos for all those that i mention,but doesnt seem to show..shows only KoRn :/
Besides good look,Iv heard from my friends that NM is better than Tallum for destro..I personally DONT KNOW coz I hate slowness of them...i like to be fast :P
Btw what you ppl suggest for:
Tallum heavy + carnage -> +8% atk spd BUT I dont HAVE heavy mastery(I think^^)
Mj light + carnage -> Standard for archer,+12 or 16% not sure patk with bow
Post your suggestions!
Apparently HE cant. Thats why im sugesting to run away for some time,until he gets decent equip/lvl so he can pwn him ;)
He said it,that he cant kill him,not me.
It generally isnt a problem,it only looks bad -.-
Icons are missing etc. It happened yesterday,and i rebooted my PC and its still like that.
Ps: Iv tried uninstalling programs,then reinstall,iv tried to change icons but still nothing.
Any solution?
If u cant kill him,try to find another exp spot..or,just check when he is online etc.(he cant be 24/7 online,needs to sleep sometimes).
So when he is off,lvl up there.
Or just add to block list..and later when u get decent grades/lvl pwn his ass ;)
Dunno about your country rules..but il send u torrent on pm IF U WANT ME TO SEND U.
(I will not post here,coz im not sure is it legal to do on forum and is it according to forum rules.)
Graphic content: 10/10 (I think it uses CryTek engine NOT SURE tho)
Game is perfect,combination of Spying game + historic events + modern age.
U can jump,u can assassinate,u can do whatever pleases u.
Game is perfect. Later il post more of my screens.
[this one was my friends tho]
"stoika: i fak u familyu
stoika: u dog me
[OTS]ArchAngel: good luck homo
stoika: mai kat is gay"
"stoika: mai mather is mastah u know her?"
"stoika: mai life is broken
[OTS]ArchAngel: good
stoika: russ mafia (alquade)
stoika: kill mai son
stoika: and mai gay friend"
OMG I almost fell from a chair xD mai gay friend hahahahah xD
Aion > L2
If u noticed IT IS made by NC will probably take all those feedback's from players who play l2 and input it in will just....pwn :P