Hi ,guys
I want to patch the official system of gracia final client by myself ,
I tried to use the l2encdec(Ver40) , and the software shows patch success , but when I try to run l2.exe , the client has no response.
I want to know why . can somebody give me guide ?
thanks a lot ~~~~~~
It's not in extender config .
in GF server files , its in script folder→setting.txt , line:3716 ,forbidden_item
in interlude , its in script folder→setting.txt , line:2731 ,forbidden_item
just for vanganth files ...
excuse me , Is this the final version ?
I saw this link is the first version ,and the links for update are dead ..
I replaced these files to server files ,and when I run my server ,there are many red lines , what's the matter ?
thanks a lot ~~~