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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. There is this thing where people enjoy doing hobbies because they like the hobby itself. Coding l2 is a hobby within a hobby as many people like the chronicle and developing. You can't say go and developer a chronicle you don't like cuz that takes 50% of the fan out of it and when the fun factor is not there people stop doing stuff cuz they feel more like a job rather than a hobby.
  2. I don't need to. They are usually lowering themselves but the problem is that the community itself has no knowledge on the subject anyway (just like you for example). You have no clue...But i won't explain it here as the topic is not for me but for mobius. Anything related to me i won't answer. You got my skype.
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201920-l2dot-net-interlude-project/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2549858 Which from the way you said it sounds like Java is no much better than C# because IT is not a VM language. You can't compare the languages you too but the VM they run on and how they run on the systems they are designed to run on.. (But i am guessing you just know how to code java and nothing else outside that so it is understandable)
  4. It is java so it will run slightly better on linux but it is 2016. You won't see tremendous difference.
  5. acis.i-live.eu And no, Tryskell follows a changeset/revision pattern of his own where several changesets make a rev. Your 10 euros might last 2-3 months or more (i think the last 10 revs took 4 months or something)
  6. You can either pay 10 euros per 10 revs to in order to have the latest files or get the latest free version which is 10 revs behind. Just pay the 10 euros. It is way more than value for money.
  7. aCis is the go to. There is no other option on interlude.
  8. There is only on option as for the platform and this is l2j. Now depending on the chronicle you have different options.
  9. I am sticking on the topic. I am explaining that optimization does come with testing. If you develop a project using TDD then it will be optimized as you develop it. If you just start developing it blindfolded you will get nowhere. You NEED to have to in order to optimize. You can't write optimized code because optimization depends in the wider spectrum of your project. Basic software engineering. EDIT: I never said that l2j is optimized. It is pure shit but it has been tested over the years so you know what performs better and what not.
  10. Optimization comes with testing. And there is nothing more tested than l2j itself.
  11. We had a skype convo about that exact thing. Starting from scratch might not worth the time while l2j or acis are done up to a level with only some sections of them need to be reworked.
  12. You have no clue. He did amazing job on Mobius for only one person.
  13. Hello guys. It was a good weekend. Thing starting to get proper shape, removing old unused stuff as well as old code and replacing it with quality one. Here i created a Gitter room for the Repository just incase someone wants to chat about the project or ask questions etc. https://gitter.im/Elfocrash/L2dotNET Feel free to join. Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates regarding player storing and restoring done over the past days. Next milestone will be inventory related stuff. Thanks Updates Removed GZip compressed mess of htmls with acis htmls and coded a new parser to handle them. Removed the oldfashioned ini config files with json ones. domis045 Helped with many minor bugs and he is replacing all the singleton patterns with the new one. MartLegion Helped with many logging changes and optimized the login server. Also minor bugs. Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major Updates happened during the past few dates with more noticeable the update i did on auth service packets. We are moving away from the L2j way of sending packets to the client so from: We are now using: Everything seems to working fine with the new way of packets till now. Game service is next to be updates. Thanks.
  14. Its also really unnecessary. I'm just pointing out that the only place i've seen it is there.
  15. I think the only place i've seen that implemented it Synerge's Freya pack.
  16. Jesus Christ who uses phx in 2016? https://bitbucket.org/_dev_/netpro/wiki/Home
  17. Update time. Completely dropped the old SQLJec database thing that the old developer used to work with. Adding one by one all the other inserting selecting and restoring methods back using the new pattern. Reworked part of the IdFactory mainly the singleton pattern. We can now loggin and create players and everyone is happy and moving. Movement needs to be reworked as it is super buggy.
  18. Then make a project plan, get an original idea and open a server based on it. Why did you even make this topic in the first place?
  19. You people have to understand something. Those server from the "good days" of l2 will never come back even if you open an 1:1 replica of those servers. The reason for that is because back in the day there where thousands upon thousands of players spread equaly amongs the servers who offered a sort of fun gameplay but you mostly likely pleyed there because a friend was playing. L2 these days is not the same. People grew up and moved on, the player base is a fraction of what it used to be and the over saturation of servers makes it hard for the community to populate a server and make it fun again. Look at L2Khaos. He was one of the most successful servers back in the day with thousands of players from all over the world playing. Guess what happened when it opened like 4 months ago. People went in again but they did not like how hard it was because their friends where not there. L2 will never be what it used to be so do not try to resurrect the old ideas because they won't work. Make a fun compelling gameplay with all the tools we have today. We need admins that wanna over that and not wanna be devs like you who just wanna profit. Profit will eventually come but only what you offer meets some standards.
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