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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. You are just talking the piss right?
  2. Why would you make an opensource bot? Making a bot opensource you make is super easy for antibots to detect it because they will know how it works.
  3. *coigh* Greece doesn't have a Software engineering degree school. Only it technologies and programming. Not even ΕΜΠ covers software engineering.. Just saying.
  4. Unity is not raw coding. It has it's own "blueprint auto scripting" way of working, just like unreal can also be coded using C++. Also both have stored where you can buy all those things you just said for a pretty reasonable price. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/ And to be honest if you are good with 3d animation you should give this place a try.
  5. You can literally code the client of a game with C# and unity. The problem is I ain't a 3d animator so i either have to buy assets from the store or get someone who is very good in 3d animation.
  6. I wish i had the assets to do that.
  7. before they could not. I'm coding everything for (almost) nothing.
  8. Mate now you are just talking shit. No one talked about azure, there are other services too.
  9. What are you on about? There are hosting services where you don't need to rent a vps. It is like saying you need a dedicated server to host an apache site. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=.net+hosting
  10. Lel den xreiazete kan na prospathisw. Milane oi prakseis sou apo mones tous. Auta pou les kai auta pou kaneis sto forum. Giauto eisai o geleios tous forum.
  11. Einai argia sthn agglia shmera alla den perimena na to ksereis. Kai oxi re den eisai autos. *cough* Wgs (WolfGiaS3na) *cough*
  12. I'm talking about licensing not rules. Don't get that confused
  13. Ase mas re Xelidwnakh. https://plus.google.com/110360612983285777014/posts Ta sxolia panagia mou
  14. UPDATE Updated the topic with license info. Also finally you can see people around you :D
  15. You are confused. A project can be opensource but that doesn't mean that you can take it and do whatever you want with it. L2j was under gnu that's why you could so it. If it was under Mozilla or any other restrictive project then you would have a hard time. See Microsoft's .net framework. It is opensource but you are not allowed to use the code and make your own. It all comes down to licensing but in this forum only a handful of people will know how it works.
  16. http://l2j.sourceforge.net/README.txt ==================== L2J Server v0.4 ==================== $Date: 2004/10/21 14:53:10 $ $Revision: 1.9 $ And no. I am just smarter. But anyone is smarted compared to an idiot.
  17. You are aware that l2j started in 2004 and aion was released 4 years later right? Show examples of gtfo. You can't even understand things like mmocore or netcode. Oh btw, because i know you will google stuff to see what's up let me tell you that if you find any aion project with similarities is because aion emulators used l2j as a model to make the aion one.
  18. Have you actually seen the mmocore of any AION project ever? Nop.
  19. Stous tuflous, o monofthalmos.
  20. Delete that before someone who knows his shit sees that. You will look way worse than what you already do.
  21. Depends on what you wanna test. If you wanna test Olympiad then you gonna have a hard time.
  22. also the AI wouldn't be fucked? Like baium angels hitting it and stuff?
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