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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Your site is so professional. It is almost like a 1:1 ripoff of the official l2 website. The only difference is the donation page which looks shit. Also why the hell is the whole site in an iframe?
  2. This is a 1.0v feature implemented in so many classic packs btw
  3. Let's be honest. You will never open the server right? xD
  4. VS2015 is the best IDE out there. Even professional iOS developers acknowledge that. https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx What is so hard to download? xD
  5. Then use Ptc This is not about the bot but general. The bans reach 24 hours.
  6. I am working on this one. https://github.com/DetectiveSquirrel/Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API It mocks the API calls that the app does basically. Just set the settings and run the app.
  7. It was edited 3 hour ago too. I wanted to make sure the link was correct
  8. No it's not. It is PokeBot2, the new version.
  9. That's shiftcode's bot. You can find the sources here: https://github.com/shiftcodeYT/PokeBot2
  10. You know you can just export to jar in the src level and it will work right? That's what ANT Build does anyway, it just moves some files (config, libs) around too.
  11. But not matter if it is ant, gradle or maven based all of them will work no matter the ide
  12. Thats absolutely wrong. Eclipse supports both ant and gradle and in fact the latest builds officially support gradle from https://gradle.org/eclipse/ Also Intellij supports both ant and gradle.
  13. Terrible english not solid understanding of what an IDE is. No thanks. You will find many people to scam you in here though.
  14. I guess you mean Intellij IDEA. Why though? I mean sure it is a good IDE but why is that a requirement?
  15. His argument are pretty valid. There should be a standard that server should meet before they are posted. I will junk you if i need to.
  16. After some benchmarking it seems that in heavy load (50kk iterations) Activator.CreateInstance is up to 4 times slower (can get higher). I know that's nothing for l2 but i wanna get as much horsepower as possible so i will be replacing Activator with compiled lambda expressions.
  17. It is indeed using reflection but it caches the action so once it's done then it acts the same as new EnterWorld(), because it uses System instead of Reflection to create the instances. But that means that every single packet would have to be created with reflection at least once.
  18. It is as fast as checking a small HashMap for a key value which is technically the same as as switch of the same size.
  19. Yeah Enqueue should be fine. Really glad i got rid of that ugly switch statement. Thanks for the recommendation.
  20. Interestingly enough I debugged the threads and yeah they where disposed really fast but I removed them, see how it performs and add a queue if it is needed. About the benchmarking it performs exactly the same (Apart of the initial Dictionary loading which happens on startup anyway) but it is just way more easy to maintain and debug (which is very important for a project that is still adding the packets). I can add a packet in one line instead of 5 and stepping through the code it way better.
  21. Only time will tell. Forget the concurrent keyword. It is just there because i use a Synchronization attribute in the class . Technically it could be a simple Dictionary and i will test it that way too as a simple dictionary upon population is almost 2 times faster.
  22. Threadhandling and concurrency and async tasks is handled differently in CLR than JVM so you cant compare it. My thread will be disposed in milliseconds once its executed. If the call was synchronous i would have performance issues. All of those thread will be handled by enqueue eventually if they need to.
  23. Spicy updates. After brainstorming how to get rid of that stupid switch that handles the incoming packet I ended up with this. From: To simply: Nice and clean. Thanks.
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