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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Thank you I already have all of these ideas and WAY more to do before what you said is even relevant. I will probably write down all the thinks i am planning to work on so people can refer to and not bother me. And not it is not MY project. If it was my project it would be private just like so many people have been doing for years now. It's a community project so if you want something you can do it yourself. That's why its on github. Update Added Dreadnought AI Bots will now teleport "To village" after x amount of iterations while dead
  2. They are fighting monsters. Why would they flag?
  3. I forgot to push to master. It should be up now
  4. Check the changelog https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jRoboto/commits/master
  5. Added chance to use skill. Some fighter classes will rarely use a spell or i added a chance on that. You can tweet this value as you see fit. Lowered the default ai interval to 750. CPU wasn't impacted at all the actions and decision making is noticeably better. Added the Random L2 Name wordlist for more realistic names. Added a bigger list of default buffs Here is a little video to show the improvement:
  6. I am a believer in changes classes from time to time to keep the game fresh (ie, mages might be a bit more powered than archers for a period of time) but that doesn't mean that it has to be driven by complaints but by data. If your db says that 80% of the pvp people are archers then guess what. You have to balance that.
  7. Its because it is not an actual player and you try to shift click as an admin. I am aware of this one and i won't be fixing it any time soon. It is already logged here: https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jRoboto/issues/6 If you have bugs raise them in github, not this thread. Also if you are vocal enough to demand bugfixes, fuckin star the project. Thanks.
  8. Its not random skill. It is using priority. If the skill in priority is available then he will use it. Vampiric claw currently has created priority than other spells like Hurricane Ideally vampiric claw will have a check if the player's HP is less than 70% or something. The reactions can be faster if you decrease the iteration interval. Thanks for the buffs. I will add them today.
  9. Well obviously not, but it doesn't mean i have to do everything they ask me to xD
  10. -You can configure it by removing them from the list -You can configure it on your own again. As i said this is not a once size fits all. It is a tool to do whatever you want with it. It is literally only meant to work just for me and those willing to put the time into it.
  11. //fakes Again, to be implemented Keep in mind this is NOT a "one size fits all" product. It is made for high rate servers and thats how i will treat it during development. That's why there are only 3rd classes there and nothing else. Also very niche features like quests or classes like summoners or prophet/elders won't be implemented (at least by me). Everyone is free to code them and make a contribution but i really don't think that people will spawn a summoner in a pvp server.
  12. Will do, eventually Pvp is there. Quest won't be implemented. Trade will be implemented Inventory exists. I don't understand you. If you mean, that you will be able to spawn multiple bots with one click then yeah. Ofc there is a freeze. You spawn a full fledged player.
  13. -To be implemented -To be implemented -Not really. It responds instantly. -Speak english please. -Yeah that is the point. Nothing else in controlling is implemented yet -What do you mean? -That is the whole point. You move the bot, not yourself. You have to release control to move.
  14. i see nothing. Post the errors in https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jRoboto/issues
  15. The plan is to use a wordlist. I had one with 10k names from l2, i will find it again. EDIT: I found. The system is now using a wordlist of 33k names from L2 to created the bots Don't forget to star the project on GitHub. It really matters. https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jRoboto
  16. Just debugged the packets the bots sent because i had huge performance issues without many bots. Iterations happened in 20ms max but the client was freezing for me. After i moved to another location it was working fine. The reason this happened is because i missed a check and i was applying buffs on every iteration, flooding the client with CharInfo and RelationChanged packets to handle. After fixing that I spawned 1000 bots and spawned an Antharas. Obviously my framerate went to shit but the thing was actually working without any performance issue. Just expect insanely better performance.
  17. Due to popular demand L2jRoboto is now coded for aCis 372. The new patch.diff can be found in the dist folder.
  18. Update Added EnchanterAI Added //spawnenchanter which spawns a random fake player with EnchanterAI Enchanter AI is using the server's chances and max rates (acis doenst have safe in a config so i hardcoded it) in order to emulate a player that is trying to enchant his weapons, assuming he has unlimited scrolls and weapons. Again, i suggest you use this feature to see how long it takes for a user to get to your server's max.
  19. DO NOT POST BUGS HERE. POST THEM IN HERE FOR CHRIST SAKE https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jRoboto/issues Also update: Added Duelist Spellcasters will now run to the target to cast the spell instead of staying idle
  20. Well why should i care about you and your files? Mate get real. You are just triggered because something that you probably spend money on, is shared for free for everyone to use. Go cry on another topic.
  21. Why do you assume i kill me time? It is pretty fun to develop. Closed development died a long time ago. I love open source development. Projects in my Github page like L2dotNET and my L2ACP got me and amazing job in an amazing company (I am actually serious i was asked about L2 in job interviews). As a professional software engineer my portfolio is my Github page with all the open source projects i have and the contributions i do on other projects. Recruiters and companies value that even more than past experience (at least in London which is where i am). Now should i care about a bunch of kids that will use my code to do shitty things? Ofc not, that's been happening for years now. If you think i gain nothing from doing this then i really really (really) feel bad for you.
  22. There is no project that comes without a license. The original L2jServer is also under GPLv3. Tryskell for example violated GPLv3 to make acis what he did is actually illegal. Technically you are not allowed to make improvements to those files and not share them (the improvements) publicly. That's why forums share latest acis all over the place and he can't do shit. Same goes with Lucera and everything else. Having the source doesn't mean that you own the code. It means that you can use it under terms. The only open source license that allows you to do pretty much everything you want with software (and even sell it if it is modified enough) is MIT. Here you go, a little open source 101 for you.
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