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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. You know i got vampire lady friends... wanna be a vampire ? XD This is what gaming dose to ppl like Grimsy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DahXYg6-lCo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otV0yOTs2e8 Oh..well....sad
  2. oh well... till then i think ill buy it :/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/UBI-Soft-Assassins-Creed-II/dp/B001TK3DO0 Its cheep not worth waiting for a crack :) LoL AC3 Confirmed ? >< http://beefjack.com/blog/game-blog/news/assassins-creed-3-confirmed/
  3. Si nus emo -.- e o diferenta intre emo si goth.. This is emo: Music: Description: Copii fututzi in cap de moda ce vor sa se sinucida.. pe scurt :D ca si minimalisti >.> sobolanii de club XD Subcultura lor e intre Travestit si Goth. This is Goth: Music: Description: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture seen here XD
  4. whats so old about it? November 14, 2009 We already got 100 of these...
  5. lol lamest thing i ever see >.> that py is not defined at all and its no where to be parsed. Locked, not working.
  6. surround it http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/4905/asdpl.jpg if its smth there i poke my eyes out >.>
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=129337.0
  8. HAHAHAHAHA loled my freaking ass off XD his on a holly shit.. lol poor guy XD anyway u realise that Is undefined and its gonna lead into a NPE right? its a simple code it can be used on any pack :P
  9. i bet they wore ddosed cool enough.. bcuz yesterday the launcher connected like in 4 to 10 mins :P
  10. lmao lol thats sexy.. so where do u live my featured love :>
  11. aaa but she loves you thats actually sad...
  12. im over 18.. so teddy wont take meh XD
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