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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. is it the skirt or the helmets? or both? im bad at this shit >.> LATER EDIT: OMFG THE PINK RANGER HAS AN ERECTION ?!?!?!
  2. asteas mai ceva ca emo XD dar macar nu se sinucid :D
  3. amm... nu era vb de ce au zis ... ><
  4. lame XD Nu pe bune acum gusturile nu se discuta >.> (Si eu eram cu Rap & Hip-Hop etc cand aveam vro 15 16 ani :)... soz couldn't help it ><) lamer XD
  5. i must be getting blind lol >.> i see only rust there >.>
  6. blablabla Vagina te intorci ca L2JDev ? :>
  7. I was thinking of the same mapping code style! Nicely done, i like the way its code =)
  8. wth's wrong with u, thats not even close to attacking an attack would be a -1 karma or smth even badder >.> chill dude And i was talking about the emo in the pic.. that apparently inst there... if u guys feel like a greek emo guy hiding in that pic.. its ur problem >.>
  9. no i sayd lame cus no one posting anymore >.>
  10. lol everyone died? Grimsy im still waiting for the girl's pics >.>
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