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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. thats not spam.. u have to edit the patch too so u can see the new skill :P
  2. <3 the armor set.. the rest is pritty basic... And matim will agree with me.. his stalking the topic... or me O.o
  3. most mxc ppl seeking help are some newb kids :P probably you guys fixed the problem and he abandoned the topic with out saing even a thanks >.>
  4. Si pe infinity il cunosc lol... cunosc totzi idioti >.> /lame Standard e cam low preority. Archid premium e 40 EU, serial-ul :) Si va mere duar pe hardware id-ul pcului cu serialul generat
  5. its still a packet hack u newb. It can be used on l2off with out protection >.>
  6. Lol wth iv changed web host .. how did you manage to make a e-mail acc?! HAX!! Anyway welcome aboard sis :P
  7. Lol copilu ala frustrat juca pe L2Terror XD
  8. Keep being AWSOME! XD Regarding the topic.. Thise are pretty imaginative:
  9. now i got smth to relate to GrisoM XD
  10. Those that die.. are lucky ppl T_T. Anyway ED if u have a community shower.. careful with the soup its pretty slippery. ^^ Dunno how Army is there... but in some parts of romania its really gay ><
  11. uuu thats nice, ima count on that :)
  12. Pritty basic at the moment. And it was done in my spare time. Till now i got to this point :) It will contain chat rooms, radios, file transfers, movie/song syncing and much more :) The GUI you see there with the lame orange and gray are made by me... and its lame... ill have to pay someone for a better one >.< (Np it will be managed XD) Im posting this here cus i wanna hear what you guys have to say about this. Is it a good idea? or i can do better things with my free time? Post here using this form: Idea: Bad / Good Comment: blablabla Regards Seth PS: I hate that shitty cam studio >.>
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