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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. /care lol i didnt ask anything lol. Time will tell everything :P
  2. some guy claims his the owner >.> iw wanna find out
  3. did anyone play ?! i need some names >.>
  4. Kissass.... >.> Servers require alot of atention and alot of care.. most servers with pro features like this fail cus of the simple reasons of management... and ull see im right.. iv been doing this for alot of time now and worked for alot of servers... so i think i got some expiriance in this domain. ^^ I wish it luck too.. and hope for the best.. but im sure smth bad will happen :P and interlude? lol
  5. Lets see how much it will last XD
  6. Enough flame >< ill start descressing karma if i see another flame post >.>
  7. rev count doesn't matter newbie, if the content is good. To bad this project lacks the content :P ok Enough.. amm wish u guys luck.. in w/e ur doing there >.<
  8. pathetic :/ http://trac6.assembla.com/L2J-Infinity/changeset/106 Cant even leech right?
  9. Topic Locked. Reason: Archid launched premium from today. A standard version is to be expected this weekend. For Premium information and support e-mail at: og_kid3@hotmail.com
  10. Do you have a Graphic Tablet? or a pen ? you can trace them in photoshop :P or try to get a specialized image recognition program O.o
  11. The idea is not like a BH event and it will be updated and its not a rework smarty pants its coded from 0. The buggy parts are gonna be fixed. And don't claim smth exaggerated if u haven't even tested it. I think yes ur lame XD dont spam my topic. You too. -1 karma Bcz you can't see it >.<
  12. lol haha i actually had sex with a girl older then me by far, she was like 27 XD and i was 18 lol XD fun fun fun XD Anyway.. Mornin guys XD Guess all u dummys are at school... >.> LAMERS DIE!!!
  13. This topic is lame.. 99% of the forum is greek.. so who spends time here?.............. me T_T DIE GR TOPIC lol....
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