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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. aww i playd that game.. from 1 to 3 XD
  2. wth GTA means? and its a real solution lol u can do that.. STFU!!!!
  3. OMG dudes. Grimsy hear me out, this is what you got to do and I'm serious. If you contact her in real life.. take her to ur place, then blindfold her and tell her it's a game, afterwords get a fire-axe(fireman's axe.. its red with a wooden handle... kinda gay O.o... anyway just take a axe) and while shes sitting there hit her in the head, if you hit hard enough she will die instantly.. and then chop her up... And tada your free and you can store her meat in the fridge or somewhere.. so free hamburger meat XD I mean that's smth I'd do >.> Or.. you can always set her on fire :)
  4. the eating part is sexy.. i like necrophiliacs >.>
  5. /truth_told Well dude.. if a girl can kill you... u pretty much fail in rl... so.. less pc more push ups XD
  6. Wanna make me say smth sweet related to ur mother or sister(if any)?
  7. Well >.<... kill her first.. always works for me XD
  8. theres no working ac2 crack yet bro T_T NOES!!
  9. Done... The crack seems to be the same thing, only containing some language translations :/ We gotta wait =3
  10. Nah, its not like that :P for him all the forum is stupid and his the only smart one O.o That's why we love him. Solution: Add the chathandler into the MasterHandler and your done. Locked.
  11. Seems there two cracks :/ A russian one that stucks at Animus, and another one of 280mb+ not sure if it works good or smth.. cus i cant download it T_T that shitty "ugotfile" is too slow... So if anyone can download this: -Link Removed- and test it ofc, would be cool >.< I've been waiting for 1 year now.. CAN'T WAIT MUCH LONGER ! >.< Later Edit: More links and info here: -Link Removed-
  12. LOL shes not shes been developing for over 3 - 4 years now :P
  13. Ye, well i got a russian cracky. And unforcenetly i cant do missions >< im waiting for razor's XD Playd a bit in free roam... and its tooooo pro >.<!!
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