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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. Yep signets too, olympiad recoded from 0 not a lame adapted version, contestable clan halls new mmocore removed old SelectorThread remade a dispatcher. + All and i mean ALL interlude quests translated to java ty to Ozzy from l2jarchid. And heres some recent work from the new Standard Archid version. (starting rev 0 to this ^^ ) http://img534.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=25860867.png
  2. Clarification bout archid: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=120763.msg916369;topicseen#msg916369 And spokernub stop crying >.>
  3. Sadly to inform for who downloaded Ovenus source link: http://rapidshare.com/files/362768728/L2J-Archid-Game.rar.html Its not archid private source its the old archid source under rev 1200. And that Archids private source is refactored in org.archid (just to be recognized) and the standard version is still in progress... Sorry for the disappointment XD
  4. anyway we got really off topic.. i voted for BigBoss he deserves it xD
  5. Not as bad as ur english.. And ofc im right u peed urself from the start telling me u did party matching in 3 days. Thats boggus i can analyze a code in 1h max. And the assemble of a simple array with some booleans took you this long u have a serious problem or u just copyd L2JTw and told me it took u 3 days XD I did my tests and i don't need to join a oly to realize what it can do and so on its like an active basic event :)
  6. results are up here. What did u do some camera syncs? and a config for raid drop? even bad tho.
  7. my point proved... His using an archid old one even has problems with cloneable instances >.> And i bet if i take a look at the source-code oly is a cp of the adapted kamael one >.> Anyway good luck. I got better things to do.. And you and your friend will see the new l2mafia and then ull be the judge :)
  8. Didn't see anything special yet.. All i see is that he used my Tutorial Packets No but i hate fakers that get codes form other places and claims its there fix and ppl actually eat it all!
  9. u do know me and u really do care what i say. the fact that ur denying it and claiming u don't care just proves my point about who you are and what you do. And about Archid & Arin u'll see the new l2mafia soon enough.
  10. He invited ppl to help him test dunno shit
  11. Dude i succeeded and still do and earn cash outta it. In fact ur a l2mafia dev? guess what Dimmis hired me and actually is willing to buy the new archid premium for his new FULL GvE not a lme kvn. ^^ Ull talk about my work when ur actually smart enough to make a simple socket connection or implement smth on interlude with out copying L2JServer =)
  12. this chat is lame and gay.. I'm out >.> If VaGo wants to be known he dose so.. and not by invite some ppl on a server and asks them for help to test shit >.> his a active dev for 3 years if im right.. And hes code style is unique. =] just sayin XD
  13. His Spookernouf or w/e the lame name, he tried once to make me think his Benji so i can give him L2Desires source-code XD
  14. Lol we don't need to prove anything our rank says it all, and you come telling us that this guy did this and that for 1 or 2 maybe 3 ppl and fixed some interlude bugs (and i can prove its not his work and its actually current pts code), ur telling us ?! dude only I think i'v did over 100 private jobs and BigBoss is a actual L2JServer Dev. You should think b4 claiming something. Later edit and who the hell voted for Versus his my student and his not a l2j dev :/
  15. He sayd report not that he didn't do them ^^
  16. lol thats lame... sure ill give it a look XD
  17. hihihihihi.. whats wrong with my newb devs code?
  18. better then sucking cock and eating jiz like you. ^^ Ur special <3
  19. i actually know u.. ur still lame tho :/
  20. ye and that Ovenus actually did smth for mxc?
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