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  1. project, properties -> configuration properties -> c/c++ -> optimization -> set optimization to disabled
  2. i have this code set up on vsd 2005, thefore i cannot find it into IDA the function sum, second people answer my ask in previous community, this was optimize by compiler. can there is any config for it, to don't optimize samples things? #include <iostream> extern "C" { int sum(unsigned char s1 = 10, int s3 = 25) { s3 = s1 * (s3); } } int main() { int y = 50; int x = 50; return 0; } ENCONTREI ESTE Start _int64 start() { unk_407610 = 0; sub_401660(); return sub_401180(); } ENCONTREI ESTE MAIN .text:0000000000402C10 ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) .text:0000000000402C10 main proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_401180+242↑p .text:0000000000402C10 ; DATA XREF: .pdata:0000000000405258↓o ... .text:0000000000402C10 sub rsp, 28h .text:0000000000402C14 call sub_401620 .text:0000000000402C19 xor eax, eax .text:0000000000402C1B add rsp, 28h .text:0000000000402C1F retn .text:0000000000402C1F main endp .text:0000000000402C1F .text:0000000000401620 sub_401620 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_401180+215↑p .text:0000000000401620 ; main+4↓p .text:0000000000401620 mov eax, cs:dword_407040 .text:0000000000401626 test eax, eax .text:0000000000401628 jz short loc_401630 .text:000000000040162A retn only now i am see that sum not have a return, i even not know as it have been compiled
  3. Post link have been update, would like that you make more upload one and post in comments for it never die, i missed several patch.
  4. Hi there, you need look for where is bytes and change it by order of rules little endian, example here attached. I abandoned this, i'm working with other things, not remainder time to this today for me can enjoy
  5. don't you use formatting tools? or use \n\s replace \n?
  6. Adext, in L2OFF category them not determine the best by revision. The Projects almost all is private. Adext last version at moment is the best, the best defined by me, by opnion of others people, i even don't know.
  7. Why this unguard, do you know explain it? Is an exception?
  8. Just IDE VS 2005, why i not remember
  9. let's work and stop of did make flooding the forum of the europeus! take embarrass, they don't are kids! Let's go work at latina american, here is house they and work! You not paid host to they to keep your bytes in conversation here. Let's come for go home!
  11. You are see because not can help with files free! Before would you want help? Now want you money? Contradiction! Clock not work free!
  12. Programmer in Phyton also
  13. Awesome your focus! This help me! Even your behavior is awesome.
  14. But I know where the problem is, you did not understand that they know English fluently, all the technology is in English. So they do not need to teach, eve in Latin America everyone is outdated. They will talk about binary if Brazilian does not know what a byte is and errors of translation where stay in this story? Sometimes they do not teach because it is unfeasible and they prefer ready or buy result. Here we not've no overview dimension. I've seen a lot of poste regarding binary empty. Example is the source you posted. Disassemble byte and teach us how to add and how to find them. The is only put search in google or simulate with exe add buffer small in memory e search her and after to apply in L2OFF LOL My speak "at true not have why nobody teach."->maybe in them country the government does not finance education % more is private? Your speak "I already help you" Help is equal Teach? oO we have something wrong here. What's name of this error? Manipulation of mind?
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