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mjst last won the day on April 15 2024

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    Cook Islands

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  1. he kept his promise! i think it's a good idea to unban his old account. he shares files with the community and could help both new and veteran l2off users! good job, Guytis!
  2. if you consider it garbage but some people are selling it, why don't you share it instead? some forum members already have your files, just a thought to consider!
  3. you made this post because someone resold your work, and you wanted to take action by sharing the files since others were profiting from them. but after getting attention, you changed your mind, calling the forum "dead." if you're serious, either share the files or keep find buyers willing to pay your 20k price. everyone saw from the start that you were just looking for attention. ps. if you're not sure about something, just don't post like a little kid.
  4. relax guys!!! maybe he sold the GOD files, and the vacation will last even longer!
  5. we're waiting to see if you'll truly share the files or just seek public attention.
  6. npcdata,txt npc_begin boss 29020 [baium] level=75 acquire_exp_rate=1822.8267 acquire_sp=1081544 unsowing=1 clan={@raid_clan} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_undead;@s_perfect_resist_shock;@s_full_magic_defence} npc_ai={[baium]} category={} race=construct sex=male undying=0 can_be_attacked=1 corpse_time=13 no_sleep_mode=1 agro_range=1000 ground_high={120;0;0} ground_low={80;0;0} exp=804225365 org_hp=1709400 org_hp_regen=750 org_mp=18000 org_mp_regen=99 collision_radius={65;65} collision_height={174;174} str=60 int=76 dex=73 wit=70 con=57 men=80 base_attack_type=fist base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=3374.18 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=4.75 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=2200 base_defend=3300 base_magic_defend=2200 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.6 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={{{{[tallum_blade];1;1;10};{[dragon_hunter_axe];1;1;1.5};{[angel_slayer];1;1;1.5};{[basalt_battlehammer];1;1;2};{[forgotten_blade];1;1;2};{[saint_spear];1;1;1.5};{[carnium_bow];1;1;10};{[tallum_blade*dark_legion_s_edge];1;1;1.5};{[elemental_sword];1;1;10};{[halbard];1;1;10};{[arcana_mace];1;1;2};{[draconic_bow];1;1;2};{[demon_splinter];1;1;2};{[heavens_divider];1;1;2};{[imperial_staff];1;1;2};{[dasparion_s_staff];1;1;10};{[bloody_orchid];1;1;10};{[blood_tornado];1;1;10};{[meteor_shower];1;1;10}};60};{{{[ring_of_baium];1;1;100}};100};{{{[sb_divine_inspiration_manuscript];5;15;92.5373};{[top_grade_life_stone_level_761];1;1;1.86567};{[top_grade_life_stone_level_701];1;1;5.597}};86.4516};{{{[high_grade_life_stone_level_701];1;2;52.9801};{[high_grade_life_stone_level_761];1;2;47.0199}};75.5}} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end Loot Groups Baium's drop list is divided into separate groups, each with a set chance to be selected. Once a group is chosen, the system checks the drop rate of each item inside it. Example Breakdown {[tallum_blade];1;1;10}; means: If this loot group is selected, the Tallum Blade has a 10% chance to drop. Minimum 1, Maximum 1 piece can drop. Baium Full Drop List: additional_make_multi_list={ // Weapon Loot Group - 60% chance to be selected { { {[tallum_blade];1;1;10}; {[dragon_hunter_axe];1;1;1.5}; {[angel_slayer];1;1;1.5}; {[basalt_battlehammer];1;1;2}; {[forgotten_blade];1;1;2}; {[saint_spear];1;1;1.5}; {[carnium_bow];1;1;10}; {[tallum_blade*dark_legion_s_edge];1;1;1.5}; {[elemental_sword];1;1;10}; {[halbard];1;1;10}; {[arcana_mace];1;1;2}; {[draconic_bow];1;1;2}; {[demon_splinter];1;1;2}; {[heavens_divider];1;1;2}; {[imperial_staff];1;1;2}; {[dasparion_s_staff];1;1;10}; {[bloody_orchid];1;1;10}; {[blood_tornado];1;1;10}; {[meteor_shower];1;1;10}; };60 }; // Ring of Baium - Always Drops (100% chance) { { {[ring_of_baium];1;1;100}; };100 }; // Scrolls & Life Stones - 86.4516% chance to be selected { { {[sb_divine_inspiration_manuscript];5;15;92.5373}; {[top_grade_life_stone_level_761];1;1;1.86567}; {[top_grade_life_stone_level_701];1;1;5.597}; };86.4516 }; // High-Grade Life Stones - 75.5% chance to be selected { { {[high_grade_life_stone_level_701];1;2;52.9801}; {[high_grade_life_stone_level_761];1;2;47.0199}; };75.5 }; } How this works in practice The system rolls to decide which loot group will be used. If a group is selected, it rolls for each item inside that group. Example scenario: The weapon group (60%) is chosen. Each weapon inside has its own drop rate. A Tallum Blade has a 10% chance to drop 1x Tallum Blade within this group. Some items, like the Ring of Baium, always drop (100%).
  7. i don’t think the community hates people for sharing L2OFF files! the L2OFF community is small and needs to grow.
  8. do you think the unklowsoldier has his own files? most so-called "devs" take existing sources, make a few modifications, and then claim ownership! In reality, 95% of an extender's work comes from others, yet these "devs" still act like they created the source themselves! so, i don’t see any problem with sharing files with the L2Off community! If you want to keep the forum alive, sharing is essential. as for respecting other people’s sales, most sellers on MXC are actually selling projects that belong to someone else, not themselves.
  9. try to uninstall
  10. you have the wrong drivers installed. try updating or removing the current ones, and allow Windows Update to install the correct drivers.
  11. the main issue arises from your approach of not taking 50% or 75% of the payment upfront before beginning the work. if you provide a guarantee to address the customers requirements, it would be beneficial for me to receive the payment before commencing the project.
  12. can you provide us with a list of our customers who currently have an online server? or any old live server you have?
  13. i believe it is important for all sellers to refrain from using the phrase "provide test server before purchasing." hope to attract customers, but i don't believe anyone would be willing to spend 1000eu without receiving the source of c4 for one key btw wish you the best of luck with your sales.
  14. there is nothing particularly noteworthy about this price. also already exist c4 vanganth https://github.com/LoanX/C4Extender
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