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Everything posted by xapox

  1. i'll check it later at the morning thx.
  2. +1... i can say where ?
  3. Well i knew about wolf exploit, but about bc tower i hear first time - if its not problem could you explain it ?
  4. oog on dn was 'fixed' so noone more can use it. yet.
  5. not working.
  6. can someone post screen?
  7. another nice share thx [downloading...]
  8. Nice collection but that wasnt able to download it on official steam site?
  9. Thanks for that share it helps a lott :P
  10. in shortcut - its wh-like maps which probably help us with 'scanning'
  11. I think it wont work on steam but didnt get ban yet :P
  12. so rest work on f.e. cs 1.6?
  13. for me it sucks - but funny info.
  14. I prefer AK47 - i like that weapon because of that you have to know how to play with it xD
  15. That incrase spam lvl on forum xP
  16. Added to bookmarks :P
  17. um... anyway its little op :P thx anyway.
  18. We'll see it xP
  19. perfect one thanks.
  20. well i think its universal one ...
  21. um i missed mine somewhere. thx.
  22. Well when you will blow out your mana... you can care about items (weapon ench.)
  23. About official rbs : its nice About unofficial servers : like someone said its kinda different :P And everything depend of stuff which got ppl :P
  24. i agree with mpxx~ Its more and more similar to wow.
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