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Everything posted by xapox

  1. About guide - i wouldnt make any server on windows - windows sucks... and smells xP
  2. solar flare
  3. Good. But are sure its man? maybe woman ?
  4. Ummm thx for share but there were some kind of programm like that but with different name and probably more options does someone remember which name does it got?
  5. guy.. really nice work. Thx for share.
  6. well i saw some kind of probably greece collection.. but i would like to see english also. bump.
  7. omg ... i cant even imagine how lazy ppl are... Is it hard to do it on your own ? XD
  8. Big thx for your nice work.
  9. thx for share.
  10. btw... use something like... do while..?
  11. I will test it.. but first of all i've to find cursed weapon xD
  12. Well that trick... is pure stupidity... Because someone who's afk wont make some proofs of that. (so thats 5%?:P)
  13. O.o so simple trick... I will test it on my crappy serv.
  14. Umm i hope that this will work on my servers. Thanks for share.
  15. http://rapidshare.com/files/248828361/SystemMsg-e.dat Works on DN. Take test post here your ideas about that what i should change there.
  16. umm nice but personally i dont like that eye on weapons;p
  17. Thx for share but i prefer normal AS :P
  18. Worked for few weeks at start of il on my serv.. then fixed :P
  19. Really thanks that i was looking for =]
  20. Well really good job :) Thanks.. my biggest problem is always idea for it XD
  21. One question.. Shooting works or its like undestructable wall ?
  22. Perfect share, i've known about few of them xP
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