Hello all i see this post
i am search the same code can help me someone ??? the problem in post solved, but the links do not work to see the code... Thank you for your interest
hi all i add this code on l2jfrozen its working but i need to add and Reward when the event finished if someone is easy to can help me ???
Hi All i have problem with vote manager i try the vote manager from shares Reborn12 dont give m the reward ....say you din.t vote try agian later.................i want to make the vote manager Could someone help me????
L2JFROZEN revision=1073
Geia s olous
L2JFrozen revision=1073
To siege 3ekinaei kanonika alla d kanoun spawn guards kai Artifact mporei na m help kapios an 3erei tpt na to fix??????
Hello All i adapt this code adress: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/194780-monument-statuet-pvppk-24h/ and i have fail to spawn's the characters statue
Could someone help me???? Gameserver with photo the fail adreess: https://postimg.org/image/c3cy0vaw7/