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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. dn borw na ktlvw kt tipades san ton cyaz pl brosta. xarika p t "eipame" xD
  2. lol! tr eida oti einai sta greek. eimai lol! logiko . na s pw , kane mia metafrasi t apopanw post m gt egraspsa st agglika xD
  3. Καλός Οδηγός! Όμως ξέχασες να αναφέρεις πως μερικά pack ( κυρίως Interlude ) δεν έχουν την εφαρμογή "reload quest" ή δεν δουλεύει σωστά. Έτσι, πρέπει να γίνει restart ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΟΣ ο server xD
  4. actually l2overdose was out and with that name before you were a member of this forum , so we didnt took it from there. actually the name is taken from Total Overdose. a game.
  5. Most Useful: Body To Mind ( low rate servers. ) Most Useless: Surrender to Poison ( FFS! )
  6. really nice topic.. thanks for adding my guide to your list :) ah and btw sth else , as far as i remember L2JServer's C4 Source has problem on logging in. too bad cause it will be the BEST to have a c4 server :p
  7. yes , but my eyebrows are like huge in front of yours. right? xD
  8. Chronicles After Interlude Suck Hard. Kamael CT1 , Was The LAST Client of LINEAGE 2. Now , There's No Lineage 2. Now , It's LWOW. Everything IS COPIED From Wow. dual daggers , flying shit and all those things that make l2 the worst game ever. yes it has good things after interlude BUT , WHY TO COMPLETELY TRANSFORM L2 TO SOMETHING THAT ALREADY EXISTS IN A BETTER WAY!? DAMMIT. NCsoft should just finish l2 . its doomed -.-'
  9. Στέφανος ο "εΜΠΥΡΟΣ" γνωστός και ως Stefoulis15 ( το έμπειρος το έγραψα έτσι γιατί έχω μια μικρή αδυναμία στις μπύρες! )
  10. EINAI TELEIO! <3 @ egw exw ena kanis griffon p tn lene boubou. ( variemai n vgalw fotoomws xD)
  11. its Notis Sfakianakis - Giftisa Mera
  12. Truth.. Nowadays Every Single Person That Says 10 Words , 9 Of Them Are Lies. so what's the point of living somewhere which you can have money , girls , or whatever you want , while you cant have truth.? dammit . i sound like oprah. but what the hell..? am i not right?
  13. no problem :) @to mods. a lock please !? :D
  14. since they are not downloadable from the official Microsoft Website they are illegal. you should remove / delete your post.!
  15. go to www.covermytail.com and then in the box type in vevo.com and press go. and ta daaaaa :)
  16. Actually I'm A Whiskey Guy. which im actually in love With HAIG Whiskey. But I'm A Beer Punk too and i gotta admit that yes Corona is a good beer. but too light. wanna try a good beer? Try McFarland / Carib or if you are a traditional Guy Mythos Red is also good :) or even an Amstel Pulse!
  17. [gr] rota to....! the program PeToUsb doesnt work for me. i mean i press start and at about 80% it crashes! so its not working for me
  18. Not doing a thing. which friend? [gr] to malakismeno exei xasei apodikseis , timologia k ola ayta kai dn gnt tpt!
  19. funzy. Question , Anyone has any external dvd-rom device to lend me? please? ( GR People )
  20. mate i told ya if i send it to a tech. he will ask for money. and i dont wanna spend money
  21. they told me that is going to cost over 300 euros. so whats the point of spending 300 euros for fixing it , while with those money i can buy another one. but i dont wanna spend money! damn u are so off-topic nig! ( i'll inform ya )
  22. ehm sorry for the double post , but i saw something now. it says: Wndows cannot be installed to this disk. the disk may fail soon. if other hard disks are available , install windows to another location any ideas?
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