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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. kali epitixia , an k dn t kovw na kataferneis kt sovaro. sry p st lew alla... etsi einai t pragmata filtate.. :S
  2. mlkies. k meta lene oloi gt tosa frontistiria? k tosa lefta!? em. ama kanete katalipseis g akirous logous logiko einai meta st katw katw k oi ka8igites na sas grapsoun stis arxides tous k na sas kanoun ma8ima akatalavistiko . k eilikrina DEN tous noizei. aftoi lene 10 mlkies k plirononte vreksei xionisei. eseis ti rolo 8a varate? 8a pate na ginete sovatzides k xamalides? sas milaw egw p eimai xeiroteros olwn edw mesa. p vgazw 13 me 1000 zoria. alla den nomizw oti oi perisoteroi p vgazoun 18 k 19 oti einai pio eksipnoi , apla t paidia einai papagaloi. tespa ti na pw , emeis kaname persi katalipsi , gt to amfi8eatro itan gemato nera ap ts vroxes ( gamw ts kataskeves milame , 3-4 tripes s ka8e tixo ) kai g na peraseis apo to ena meros tou sxoleio st allo , i8eles mpratsakia , vatraxopedila , maska , anapnefstira k mia plastiki varka Explorer portokali! gamise ta k afise ta s lew. Tespa , dn eimai kata. eimai iper. alla gia SOVAROUS Logous.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebwA-gg1TyA here you go
  4. nah , there are other protections for this.. thanx for ur idea though..
  5. lol.. can we give any credits?! i mean the half timeline is without credits for the things that are there.
  6. ddoser 3.4 http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=125132 seems that the ones that want it , they got to pay it. btw i see couple of titles / sigs with hacker shit and others. wtf? before some time it was a fashion to say im l2j dev or pro l2j dev. now its L2J Hacker / Attacker. WTF ( Not Going For DragonHunter and Serk. Those are the only ones in here that know how to hack. )
  7. Topic Unlocked. Guyz , Wtf is goin on here. the fact i helped 2-3 people doesnt mean that im the best dev. im a TOTAL Zero in front of the L2JServer / L2JFree Developers. got that? nbd / ds / noctarius / savormix and EVERYONE ELSE FROM L2JSERVER AND L2JFREE are better than me and PROBABLY Better than anyone in HERE. Got It? if not then do it. -.-' i may be a good dev for maxcheaters' spec. but for the whole L2J Scene? im at the bottom.. i never claimed that im the best or the proest or whatever. just stop this shit. people might start sayin bullshit because of this. i dont blame anyone for this. thanx for the people that voted for me. but guyz? i mean lol i shouldnt even be in this poll.. whats the point of contrasting me with noctarius? or evill33t or nBd. damn , im their left hand little finger. not even a hand of them.. Topic Locked Again.
  8. lol , make up ur mind! if (!activeChar.isNoble() means that the player IS NOT noble -.- && activeChar.getLevel == 80 and if his level is 80 then activeChar.setNoble(true); his code is correct. stop saying crap
  9. thanx for the credits mate cool share. it was certainly needed
  10. Έχουμε Ακομα 2 Μέρες Μέχρι Να Τελείωσει Ο Διαγωνισμός. @ExtremeDwarf , Εαν Είχα Δικαιόματα Να Κάνω Κάτι Παραπάνω Και Να Δώσω Καποιο Αλλο Βραβείο Τοτε οκ.. αλλά.... Τεσπα.. Κάνε Αυτό Που Λέει Ο MaestroLuke . Μέχρι Τώρα το Guide σου Είναι Το Καλύτερο.. @Sillent Δεν με ενδιαφέρει το πώς. εγώ περιμένω αποτελέσματα..
  11. a0x0x0ax0ax0a i was sure horus u would say this <3 ehm i will answer ya on msn if i find ya on :p
  12. nop. equal had it , but it wasnt working . i remember nsstop added it if im not mistaken.. and i remember that he was like oh , its not ready yet..
  13. well mate , no offense but i havent seen it anywhere.. i mean , L2Emu / Archid / Free / Server / Official / Equal Doesnt have this. if there is any other team that has it , please inform me , and also Show me a link or sth , in order to check it. if u are right , i'll put the correct credits..
  14. Good Work. I Must say. i'm surprised! i've never thought that something like this could be created. nice , nice. go on , i see u are stepping forward to java!
  15. GREAT. i remember when we both were thinking some shit about this and we couldnt make it work :P gratz for this shit mate. u deserve it.
  16. Λοίπον. Υπάρχουν ΝΤΟΥΖΙΝΕΣ Απο Τέτοιους Όδηγους. Παρόλα Αυτα ΔΕΝ Υπάρχει Κάποιο Που Να Είναι "Γεμάτο". Τι Θέλω Απο Σας Λοίπον! Θέλω Εναν Οδηγό Που Να έχει ΕΛΛΗΙΝΙΚΟ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑ. ΟΧΙ GREEKLISH. Θέλω Να Παρέχετε Εικόνες ( Αν ΟΧΙ Video. Ή Και τα δύο θα ήταν Πολυ Καλύτερα.) Οι Είκονες Να είναι ΔΙΚΕΣ ΣΑΣ. ΟΧΙ ΑΠΟ ΑΛΛΟΥΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΥΣ. Τέλος , Θέλω Links με τα Προγράμματα Που Χρείαζονται ( OXI WAREZ. ) Το ΈΠΑΘΛΟ Θα Έιναι +1 Κάρμα. Ευχαριστώ.
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