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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=89890.0 here it is.. np
  2. already shared by revenger. btw ur code has a typo.. + if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("stat"))
  3. if u use the whole patch i share it will work normally , and it can be used only once , so it wont be a spam shit. if u use his c/p file it wont work.it will throw errors.
  4. dream , every single application On Internet that lasts over 1 hour is for no-lifers then. GTFO!
  5. Roza - Mitropanos Prigipesa - Malamas Opos Palia - Vasilis Karras http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PWZpUCxcNY Kai To best . Makropoulos - Solo
  6. thanx for leeching my code. and thanx for adding your credits instead of mine. rly thanx! ( btw , dont forget to dekarma me for saying the truth huh. )
  7. oxi. exw mia Ben 10 , 8 t foresw tis apokries. mantepse gt o stef dn s milaei
  8. oxi. dn piga. mlkia eprepe na paw. exw na paw 2-3 xronia. 8 paw omws tn protoxronia. heh. an k t pasio / kiato dn exei k pl kosmo.. ntax , twra g aftous p lene , o.O eimai 17 xronon k dn paw , k p na paw kotzam mantraxalos.. lol ! o gios tou dimarxou tou kiatou p einai 25 xronon pige k t eipe. k dn 8 paw gw? malkas eimai? ase p prota apo ola , ksereis ti gamato p einai na vgeneis stous dromous me tn stoli tou ai vasili k na se koitane oloi? :D
  9. in G.final prolly. if it has enchantable option in datatable. but in IL , no way. i've spend lots of hours to IL Sources , and i know that they dont xD
  10. this works only for interlude and older clients not in new clients such as gracia final. also , configurable would be better.
  11. Sorry, but tihs is just a hero shop and you DID NOT EDIT ANYTHING except the names. Its nice anyway ^^
  12. put a check if the char is already a hero? it can cause some NPE's and this what fakoykas said :) if (!activeChar.isHero() && activeChar.getPvpCount() >= 5000) { ; }
  13. Very unsecured!!!! Maybe L2j did this on purpose? NcSoft too? Think a lil'. If it was good, NCSoft would probably already put it in retail. Btw i smell deadlock with the synchronized.. use it at ur own risk! This can also cause many acc steals.. And also, what about if i try to login with already logged char?
  14. I don't hate l2justice at all. If i hated it, I would probably already report it to HZ with screens and proofs and everything that the server was renamed and you would be removed from HZ by now. Again. I'm happy for every new IL project and they are not my enemy neither our great dev WizZy's one. We're just trying to give our people the best and not shutting down other servers. Everyone has a right to play whenever and wherever he wants. For the MMOCore.. I can say that ct2.3's one is exploitable too. Its normal to get such kinds of attack, but I think l2jdevs did this in purpose so people can get this blinking lamp below their hedas lighting again with full power.
  15. google.com -> noobish error 2 the mission and u`ll find the fix.. lulz?
  16. Good job ! Hackers are getting better and better everyday while the developers can't even think why this happends! ^^
  17. BTW since i can't edit my posts (WTF?!) .. this program ISNT A DOS AT ALL! This is a packet sender lamer even than dragonhunter's one. VB Script which sends a packet to IP:PORT and as fakoykas said and i prooved it.. the fix can be done just doing 2 chars which are "//" to the System.exit(0);. Use your common sense people! God gave you brain. Coyote, not trying to hurt you, but stop pretending that you know java and the fix since you play in justice ,this just doesn't work for you. No bad feelings, just telling my opin. p.s. should i hide my fix? o.O
  18. it sends a packet which has nothing to read, but l2j didn't expect this to happen and make a System.exit to it. Simply... it sends a 0 value (emtpy packet or so) ,so in the mmocore it displays ... else if (result == 0) { // read interest but nothing to read? wtf? System.out.println("NOOBISHT ERROR 2 THE MISSION"); System.exit(0); } and now... here's the simple fuckin' fix: 1. Just delete the ELSE IF <- you will cry if you do like most kids 2. Make it not to close.. simply remove it and replace by this.. else if (result == 0) { // read interest but nothing to read? wtf? System.out.println("MMOCore: Nothing to read."); System.out.println("Trying not to close the server..."); //System.exit(0); System.out.println("MMOCore Sender IP: "+ con.getSocketChannel().socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); con.onForcedDisconnection(); this.closeConnectionImpl(con); } easy fix, huh? its just that kids has no brains.. thanks and fixed on eminence since it started (1st noemver) :)
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