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About didiciupi

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  1. Hello guys, i have some issue: I use the server files from Fandc/ro-team H5 L2Ava (compiled files), and i want to use the L2Roboto mod and some years ago it was simpler to install it manually but now i can't remember how to install because i don't find the java file to put on the list my files and get start on sv console. Can someone please help me put it on track, thank you in advance.
  2. Hello guys, i have some issue: I use the server files from Fandc/ro-team H5 L2Ava (compiled files), and i want to use the L2Roboto mod and some years ago it was simpler to install it manually but now i can't remember how to install because i don't find the java file to put on the list my files and get start on sv console. Can someone please help me put it on track, thank you in advance.
  3. Thank you for shareing this . Keep it up !
  4. thx for the share, it is working good. the single part that is disturbing when mob's die they remain stuck on the dead target; if i use next target button it's targeting the dead mob :D ....when you will have some time to look at it, and tell how to get throu this. Thank you,
  5. Hello, can you give me the password  from  link :  



    Thx :D

    1. NevesOma


      Hello, be more active on MXC forum and you will get the password. :)

    2. didiciupi


      lol .... i don't have time atm for activiti .... i'm working a lot and not on IT domain .... i play l2 only  for me :D  it's my hoby.

      But i will try :D

    3. NevesOma


      Okey, no problem I can't give the password to the first person I meet.

  6. Like title says, I am looking to buy a sws char 40+ on Skelth server. Can be naked, male or female. leave pm with char name, lvl, and desired price in euro.
  7. What is the password ? pls , thx
  8. Thank you for l2lige, but now i need a cp spammer that work on l2off ru. I search on google but noting is working ...
  9. Hello everyone. As the topic says I am looking for a trustworthy cp spammer for Lineage II - Gracia Final Chronicle, L2ruoff - Lira server, as well as for a custom way to view the different messages on my chat boxes (ex. highlight when a skills lands, ...when I make a crit ...etc). Since I am a noob in this area, I would very much aprreciate a detalied explanation on how to use/install them. Kind regards in advance.
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