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Everything posted by GoreGasm1488

  1. LoL AK-47 is a gift from GOD... Without these wepons russia would have lost many wars !
  2. I got a wife / job and friends , But like i was saying lineage 2 is a big part of my life , due i put my soul into this game.
  3. I Lol'ed , How can anyone be so stupid and still haven't removed / Banned the user for posting this? Am getting a warning for telling members to watch out due this IS a fake.
  4. Sold duped 16+ / 24+ SA wepons on kastien , ( That's why many people had 24+ wepons ingame ) ( l2Extreme )
  5. AHAHAHA , This is to amusing , Ye old time graphic card memories :D Great upload!!
  6. Finally that shit idiot server goes down , made AM acu 23+ got banned for that shit cuz he thought i was using the kamael ct1 warehouse bugg.. idiots .. ( milkmor WE leader ).
  7. Pretty cool list if you're a lazy ass like me , Good job bro!
  8. LoL Hack and exploit is the way to succes , You've seen South park episode , where cartmenze explains the way off the succesful white man? How do i reaachz theese kidz..
  9. Mega laggs , Unbalanced gaming , Custom out of control .
  10. Well deer , it's all about ur lucky charm ;)
  11. LoL don't fuck with crystal dagger .. Theca + Crystal = Omfg i got a booner..
  12. I got an intressting and very good way of enchanting , that actully works , I make one wep 10-12 + , Then i save it .. Then i buy one wepon and start to spamm +++ on it , when it breaks i + the 11-12+ wepon , usally works:) but not always..
  13. Lol Duelist pwnz everyone , If you kno how to play lol , You can't kill em srsly..
  14. L3? Gosh i hope it wont fail like the kamael expansion.. c1-c3 forever and ever.. <3
  15. LOL ur avatar fits u very well "copycat " Lemme just add sometin.. Fail..
  16. This one seems really stupid , Why would you suddenly go from 52 to 80 after the restart ? And why the hell do you need a hero char ? Just dosen't make sence.. and ain't worth trying
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