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Everything posted by GoreGasm1488

  1. Been looking for sometin like that to , It changes my ip completly ? , So i can go and play on servers am ip banned from ? :O
  2. Okay , Do you get any reward , i'd like to have mine NOW!!!
  3. Fix system , can't use hosts either , sounds nice btw!
  4. Useless :/ Dosen't work on the new servers ..
  5. Working on my server , Thx for sharing usefull!
  6. Find it's like an usefull share , Thx +1 karma from me ;P
  7. I've seen a video where a lvl 80 kamael actully fly's .. , And it's not gun they use , It's crossbows ..
  8. Don't works on my server :/ , Great Trick tho! :D
  9. L2godz = Bugged Corrupted server ..
  10. Yea like the titel says , Finns de några mjuka härliga svenskar man kan snacka lineage2 om , Elr jaaa nåt linknande !
  11. Spamm orgie!!! :D OHH YEAAA WOO!
  12. Newly boomed donated 28+ Shining bow .. ( donate max 20+ ) ...
  13. Yea sup , I'm from sweden , I'm an old lineage 2 player ( Started when i was 11 years old ) ... 17 now =) , I've played lineage 1 , and Lineage 2 beta c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 interlude kamael .. I can talk / Read Swedish , Russian , English .. And Hopefully im here to stay!
  14. Not working lol , Hlapex isn't dead ;P *wink*
  15. Someone tryed it on supreme ? Works there? 15x serv
  16. Can't work with that , To messy .. / Got a virus ...
  17. Well my brother uses som kinda of duping method , He made it and ain't telling anyone , He made 10 x 16+ Shining bows on like 3 sec , just like poff .. strange shit , but ill try to get known here and get as many posts i can get !
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