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Everything posted by GoreGasm1488

  1. People join, this is a hardcore server with true l2 feeling!!
  2. Great server, playing 2 days streak atm!! JOIN
  3. Stop spamming you little wanker!!!!!
  4. Server closed, dont even bother.
  5. Enter the site and check lazy boii
  6. http://l2exfaction.info/ Why you should join? No Donate!!!! No Wipe! Maley auto and gm events Helpful Staff Maley unique custom features 99% of skills balanced 95% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance) General Information Server Type [Easy PvP] Interlude x5000 Project Bassed ON L2J instant level 40 Custom Starting Zone 1mob 80lvl + Enchanting Safe enchant +3 Max enchant Wepon +15 Max enchant Armor Jewels +15 Normal scroll chance - 66 % Blessed scroll chance - 100% Featurs Clan/Ally Clan eggs into GM shop Max Clans in ally - 3 All Castle/Fortress Working Sieges weekly. Clan Penalty - No Penalty Ally Penalty - No Penalty Members in clan for war = 15 Members for increase clan = 1 Custom Featurs Character inventory slots = 150 Spawn Protect + Guard On LvL Zone PvP/PK zone = Spot 1 / 2 [Newbie Farm] Unstuck Command =15 sec Return To Main Town Olympiad 100 % working Anti dualbox protection Custom NPC Gm Shop Full Items! Global Gatekeeper Unique Buffer Symbol Maker Warehouse keeper PvP/PK Manager Class Changer Nobless Manager Wedding Manager Color Tittle Manager And Much more ! Server Protections L2 Wallker Protection All flood protections Spawn Protection = 20sec Olympiad Protection Events Protection PvP farming Protection Dualbox Protection Buff delay protection THIS IS NOT MY SERVER !!!!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?1z445afnvud4fat <---- System, Account auto create.
  7. Wipe yet, not ready yet ffs. Dont even got all skills on every class. Did 5.2k dmg with 10+ bow 0 + tts jewels 0+ drac set ( without cat buff ) on mages. Full archer and bishop server. Fix it before you open it, you just failed a big population server.
  8. Lame!
  9. " when server is Up we are going to in that's all you can't wait? " Sorry, what???
  10. People work early mornings, my tip to you is to delay the Grand opening to 20.00 GMT 2+ tomorrow, so all can get a fair start. That way you'll have more time to work with it and open it without 10000 restarts and delays.
  11. Yeah, i am just askin an aprox time of it, 30 min? 1 hour? 3 hours?
  12. How is it going, any aprox time you'll lunch so we dont have to check every 5 min? Thanks
  13. GMT 2+..
  14. Nice pvp, tryed this unique server out.. so far it's GREAT! try it.
  15. Pyro from Neverwinter nights? Long time no ciii!!!!
  16. Agree this is farm server 100%, but good pvp to. Lagless and great community.
  17. Looks like the rest.. 1 class server.
  18. Getting crit errors from the system folder..
  19. Please take this Brazilian nr1 pew pew gangster guy of the stage.. Thanks.
  20. Fighters / Mages = Balanced = WIN!
  21. So far been farming, pretty easy to ++ and get gold bars, have not yet encounterd pvp so that question remains blank.
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