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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. meta ante na sviseis - mono me nero
  2. man i searched " [tool][share]L2j to L2off Shop Importer " and it didn't exist!anyway soz about that!
  3. koita w8 pare auto Gm Shop pare to sql p exei(san arxeiaki p einai ) exei 2...ani3e navicat ...na exeis etimi tin database ... pata de3i click panw sto name tis database sou kai pata execute batch file...bres ta 2 sql(ta 2 arxeiakia pou sou eipa prin!) kai kanta execute ... wraia twra to npc kai to shop list exei mpei ... pare to arxeiaki html kai balto gameserver/data/html/merchant wraia here we are ... episis pare ta multisell pou exei auto to .rar pou sou estila kai balta sto gameserver/data/multisell kai eisai ok!
  4. Since i'm starting to use l2off, i thought i needed to share some of my work too This is my first (small and simple) tool/share for l2off community, made on .NET Framework 3.5 (it may run on 2.0 but not tested)... It gets l2j shops from the mysql db or multisell and converts it to l2off AI shops (needs nasc to compile it, even tho it would be easy to convert it compiled already) or multisell txt. For most of you (experienced ppl) this will probably be useless, but it might help the new guys like me when moving from l2j to l2off server files so dont make fun of it. At least i dev stuff instead of just leeching and asking for help :P I'm not making a 'i posted a share plx plx adenas' thread, but if you think it is useful, i wouldn't be mad on getting some dcs if you dont press the good share button, at least do not post it on ragezone... that's good for me already lol i dont like them :P http://rapidshare.com/files/10346623...orter.exe.html Btw, it requires the item_pch.txt you're using to get the correct items name, if i used a standard one the tool wouldn't support custom items like donations currency If you find any bug on it just let me know and i'll try to fix it, but it seemed to be working 100% here... edit: forgot the screenshot http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/726/imagemda9.th.jpg Credits to cybersick
  5. // ------------------------------------------------- // Lineage II Script Tool // Make by HellFire, Russia, Ekaterinburg, 2005-2007 // project start at May 2005 // ------------------------------------------------- The utility is intended for work with scripts of server LineageII. It is devoted to loss of time during manual work. NET Framework 2.0 required. The list of features. * NPC Modules * - NpcPos Maker. Creation of territories with npc. It is made of one coordinate and a name npc. Support of creation of Multi zones for many npc and One zone for many npc. Support of creation Privates. Generation of positions with spawn chance. - NpcPch Maker: Creation of Pch/Pch2 files necessary for work. Creation of cache files necessary for work CacheD - Npc Injector: Split file to many files (one file - one npc) Merge all files (split metod) to one npcdata.txt. Inject one npc to npcdata.txt - NpcPos Shifter: You can do shift coordinates in npcpos to needed value for any direct (x, y, z). - NpcData skill_list checker: get skill_list from npcgrp.txt and fix npcdata. - NpcdataRateChanger. Support: change rate on spoil, drop, exp, sp; change item amount drop rate on adena, sealstones, spoil, drop change item amount drop rate on spoil, drop to max value only or for both (min, max) change item amount drop rate on spoil, drop only for specific items from custom list 5 mode on rate builder. 4 on drop and spoil, 1 for spoil only. "Choose what you like better!" change rates and amount only for specific Npc type list. - NpcPos Checker. Support: 1) add module checking npcpos.txt for searching bad privates. Logged only. 2) add module checking ai.obj for searching bad privates. Logged only. 3) add module checking npcpos.txt for searching invalid makers. Logged only. 4) add module checking npcpos.txt for searching invalid dbname param. Logged only. * Skill Modules * - SkillPch Maker: Creation of Pch/Pch2 files necessary for work. Creation of cache files necessary for work CacheD - Skill Injector: Split file to many files (one file - one skill). Better metod for work with skills. Merge all files (split metod) to one skilldata.txt. - Skill Editor: Simple editor for one skill. Support import skill for edit. Include all features for skill (ave, attr and etc). - SkillAquire Editor: Creation new skillaquire.txt or edit exist file. Support add/delete skills in list, commentaries and etc. New- Skilldata Effect Researcher: parsing for effect for generating file with all skilldata effects with examples. * Item Modules * - ItemPch Maker: Creation of Pch/Pch2 files necessary for work. Creation of cache files necessary for work CacheD - Item Injector: Split file to many files (one file - one item). Better metod for work with skills. Merge all files (split metod) to one itemdata.txt. Inject one npc to itemdata.txt. - Default_price finder: You can calculate default_price for item from screen (you must know town rate, castle rate and buy price for this item) - ItemData Fixer: now have 4 metod's: - check duplicate names and automaticaly renamed to [itemname_itemid] - check item_type. If item_type different with header type, then header type automaticaly renamed to item_type type Questitems checking: - check itemtype=questitem. If item is questitem but name not start with "[q_" then name will be renamed to [q_itemname] - check all itemtypes. If item is not questitem but name start with "[q_itemname]" then name will be renamed to [itemname] Note: Much nonquest items have q_. Example Coins [q_gold_wyrm] and etc normal quest items. * AI Modules * - AI Injector: Split file to many files (one file - one ai). Better metod for work with ai. Merge all files (split metod) to one ai.obj. (NO WORK correctly for full ai.obj because correct sort metod not existing). Inject one npc class to ai.obj. Support of recovery. Check for simple errors. - AIMessageImporter: make export all Sxxxx. strings to file and make import all Sxxxx. to new Ai.obj from export file - AIMessageTeleportImporter: make export (same as AIMessageImporter) all 'telposlist_...' strings to file and make importing to new Ai.obj from export file. - AiRateChanger: change rate for getting items, sp, exp. Support log. - container NULL pos Fixer: check AI.obj and npcdata for finding incorrect record for error "container NULL pos" - Ai.obj Handler Line checker: Check of a file on quantity of lines in Handler.. Support log. - Ai.obj Fixer: Check of a file on correct values in func_call, fetch_i, push_event and correction. Support log. - Ai and NpcData Params Checker for check npcdata params (npc_ai=..) in ai.obj. Check full ai inherits tree. - AI.obj shop list Generator for creating new shop list in Ai.obj. New- AI DeCompiler. no comments * Script Checker and Fixer Modules * - Script Name Changer: allows to rename all names (skill's, npc's, item's) into names of other file. It is applied on files which send you from other developer (demand pch files for work of this method). Check all duplicate names. - Script Leecher: finding param in one script and write to another. Can use for exchange data from one project to another. Or import data from client files to server scripts. - Visual Script Editor: universal editor for scripts. Support templates for edit any script types. - .DAT Decoder/Encoder with use l2encdec and l2asm: Full functional module for working with client .DAT files. Module use L2EncDec® for decrypt/encrypt and L2Asm® for unpack/pack data for creating (as target idea) config files with old/basis standarts/formats. You must SELF to create definition config's for working of feature "L2Asm<->Txt". Or you can use tool as simple GUI interface for l2asm and l2encdec (encode/decode, pack/unpack). New- Script Param Value Searcher: search all definitions for param. Use for finding all existing values for param in script. Second, can use for creating L2SM Editor config file. And etc. New- L2ScriptMaker Script Generator: can generate clean server config file from .dat client file New- Recipe Generator: create new server recipe.txt script from client recipe-e.txt file New- Script ID-Name Shower: searching Name for Id, or Id for Name (support itemdata, npcdata, skilldata). Idea by Hint * Other Modules * - Doorarea Maker: Creation doordata for one door. You need have only one pos and known door parameters. - EventData Generator for creating new event. - Multisell Generator for creating new multisell or import and edit your exchange list. - AreaData Generator: to generate areadata zones. - Exec Injector: Allows to apply a patch (self simple format) to any Exec file. Support of recovery. Support of patches with absolute addressing. - Authentifycation Blowfish Change Key Tool: you can see and change blowfish auth key in l2auth service and in client engine.dll - Html Button Designer: can do from simple button - button with style (size, background) in all html files in folder - QuestComp-e generator for 'CachedScripts' folder - QuestPch/Pch2 Builder. Required itemdata.txt, questdata-e.txt and ai.obj for creating this files. - Superpoint.bin Builder. See superpoint.bin file in text and build new Superpoint.bin from text file. - GeoIndex Generator: small module for fast creating geo_index.txt file into GeoData folder. New- Geodata name from Location converter: find geodata name from coordinates. New- GetTestPoint Finder and Geodata Bug file gererator: scanning server ERR logs and generating geo_bug (xx_xx_bug.txt) files Information about tool and last release can find there. Use this update tool (in attach) for checking new updates and download tool. Utility only show last release. Same feature have in main tool but compare self version and last on website. About licence My apologies. But... 1 Jule - Hour X If you recieve donation - write your PostPacific or e-mail for contact with you, because I do not know to whom to send license. Attached Files File Type: rar L2ScriptMakerUpdater.rar] Credits to HF
  6. den eipa kati diaforetiko vent00za!anyway nice guide!
  7. nice share vent00za!!!!
  8. koita apla ftiaxneis ena sql (gia paradeigma pare ena ... an thes alla3e tou id/type/hight/radius ktlp... balto me execute batch file sto navicat , kai meta an thes na einai shop ftia3e kana multisell me basi auta pou exeis idi sto pack sou , episis an einai gatekeeper bale kainourgia ports (pare ena sql teleport kai bale tis syndetagmenes , epita balto me execute batch file pali kai tha paei sta teleports ... meta pare to goto kai balto sto teleport pou exeis dimiourgisei apo to 70002/7077/(kai alla)... gia buffer einai sygkekrimenes odigies...perneis to 9999_NPCBuffer kai to bazeis sto gameserver/data/jscripts/custom/meta anikathistas to init_py kai grafeis : __all__ = [ '3995_echo', '4000_ShadowWeapons', '7000_HeroItems', '8000_RaidbossInfo', '6050_KetraOrcSupport', '6051_VarkaSilenosSupport', '9999_NPCBuffer' ] print "" print "importing custom data ..." for name in __all__ : try : __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1) except: print "failed to import quest : ",name print "... done" print "" auta panw katw...!
  9. brabo magepses me auto p eipes! egines thirio /synxaritiria !
  10. * Interlude (c6) IG Walker (for official servers 100% workable) This is the IG Walker for Interlude (c6). It is only for official servers and it is 100% workable Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73823991/L2Walker_IG_C6.rar.html * with this program u can see how much hp has the other what items he having all the rates from class to speed also object id , alerts , items , npc , object , real time , and the end world map the program is very good but need to having good user follow the link : http://rapidshare.com/files/73749241/hInGame.rar.html * Mobs LvL Patch: Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73776538/npcname-e.dat.html Text Colour Patch: Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73762064/systemmsg-e.dat.html Zoom Patch: Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73776844/User.ini.html size=18] Patch to see the pussy of ur char and more else see this photo first!!!! http://img110.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00006cg7.png Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73761944/Gimni_chars.rar.html The installer's working with LinUtils, that anyone can make his own color Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73777476/Setup_LineAge_Utils.exe.html * L2Crafter A tool for any serious crafter. Any information needed to be successful crafter can be found from this tool Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73826182/L2crafter.exe.html MultiWin Program which removes the lag when you have two windows of the game open. Extremely useful when you make DualBoxing. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/73830595/MultiWin.rar.html * To download IG_eL2Walker1.91 click on the link LINK: http://rapidshare.com/files/78536101/IG_eL2Walker1.91_ALL_Server.zip.html * http://rapidshare.com/files/85194210/hLaPEx_New_Version.rar.html With this hack u can do : 1) MultiSell 2) MultiClass 3) Scripts http://rapidshare.com/files/85194497/hlapex.txt.html download this file to learn how hlapex working!!!! Best Regards .:Exofillarouxas3:.
  11. +1 shmeq!
  12. U must do it manual..Into systemmsg-e u will find 8 symbols (color=[FFFF0033]) if u want to put ur colour let 2 FF as white and the other bold color=[FFFF0033] This is the link for colours http://www.december.com/html/spec/color1.html
  13. apla kante auto pou sas eipe o Goldefinger ... an den douleuei oute etsi gia dokimase na to psa3eis apo to database vipinfo ... an den ginei kati etsi den ginete alliws apla kane to enable opws eipe o Goldefinger den nomizw na ftiaxnete alliws:D
  14. Exofil

    for vent00za

    na se rwtisw kati?min bgazeis istories p den yparxoune...egw se 3erw apo to forum kai se parakalw na les tin alitheia... episis na s mathw kati...na matheis na min karfonese ta idia sou ta topics lene ta pms p m estiles deite : GAMW TO THEO S GAMW koita blaka egw mporw na sou hackarw to pc
  15. Exofil

    for vent00za

    1on mporw na se paradextw gt eipes mia alitheia to oti kai na briseis den sou kanoune kati gt sou exoune respect kai na to kaneis den yparxei periptwsi na mou katebasoune karma gt me sebontai , diladi kai na brisw den m to katebazoune i alitheia ponaei e? 2on caps off! 3on sou ekana egw block kai meta esy ...anorimo paidaki
  16. lol man u are crazy ?what did u say?i speak with you only from this forum...i don't know what about u speak...you just told ur life history?don't tell something that never be!someone lock the topic...always when i making a topic someone make it bad!
  17. deite ti mou estile se pm's na gelasete ligo : koita blaka egw mporw na sou hackarw to pc opote se topics min 3ana peis blakia gia emena exofil : egw den eipa kati gia esena ... apla esy eipes gia to pc enw den se 3erw kan... kala apla min to synexiseis gt tha bw sto pc sou kai tha ta katastrepsw ola exofil : koita file kai as eimaste stin idia ilikia den yparxei periptwsi na asxolithw mazi s gt den nomizw oti a3izeis kai polla! kala... exofil : telos pantwn pera apo L2J kai genika alla themata den asxoloume mazi sou giati apo oti katalaba to mialo s den kanei gia 15 xronwn opws eisai... alla kanei gia 5xrono mialo anyway kai esy re blaka 15 xronwn eisai exofil : nai egw to paradexomai kai den perifaneuomai sta pm's kai toulaxiston exw mialo 15xronou kai oxi 5xronou kai min me anagkaseis na balw ta pm's se topic kai na to kaneis den yparxei periptwsi na mou katebasoune karma gt me sebontai , diladi kai na brisw den m to katebazoune exofil : ok w8 kai tha deis... tha balw ta pm's se topic bb! kanto na doume ti tha katalabeis zwo
  18. lol vent00za its Interlude .. The server will be as it was before .. too laggs .. all time you say you say and you dont do anything !! you say you will put t3 and you are only words !! The Server Sucks !! As always GM's give items make lvl up !! Heros from database !! i dont want to open my mouth !! so keep your mouth down too ! EDIT: His pc has 3 GB of RAM not 4 !! Lier too !! and server pc has w/e you think l2 inside and playing there !! msn on !! DLing movies !! all time !! on with teamviewer that cause lagg !! and then you tell me that this is a good server before 1 hour this post that u having in this topic wrote that "i wish you exofil to go better than before ur server" , and know you edit it... whatever ... u haven't do anything and u just burn ur life here?i remember ur face ... was too burn ... by the hours that u are in the pc ! i think that ur brain is like a kidda ... we are in the same years but u don't look it...anyway how did u can say that the pc of L2MeMoRies server having 3gb ram?u are the biggest hacker?XAXA /laugh the other with toto u know it? pff , i don't know u man , so just don't tell something about me and for pc that u don't know!
  19. lol nab XAXAXAXAXAXAXA and the lawer karma u have increase ur pennis ...!cuz it means that u can make everything to mods hahaha :P
  20. lol what about this?time for laugh x0a0xa SeeMSGooD Non Poster * Karma: 0 Online Online Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Posts: 0 :P
  21. i think that you can change it only from java files!
  22. stefoulis is my bot?jimmy999 is my bot?vent00za is my bot?lol u don't know what about u speaking...! u just say something...
  23. ehhe yae i need it but i think that i must make more good share's like this to get +1 karma i think u agree too!
  24. as we can see : ANG0 Newbie Karma: 0 Online Lithuania Posts: 2 we don't know if it is something intersting so i will not download it i think its only a virus file ehee:PPPP
  25. lol exosouler i just share it ... i didn't make it... its hard to make a program like this..i just search on google and i found it!that's all ...!
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