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About Mantosh

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    United States

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  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving
  2. I think you're mistaken me for someone else.
  3. I just read through what you've written - not sure if you had a bad day or what's happening, but what I see is you arguing with players and then GM replying to you. Not much to imagine. Also, I see you are still in the game and chatting, so not sure what ban you are referring to.
  4. Erica successfully launched! Join the growing ranks of Hardcore players and bot your a** off!
  5. We are happy to announce the next chapter of L2Toggle - a new hardcore botting server starting May 27th, 2023 - Erica! The open beta server will start in the next few days to allow us all to test things out while we work on bringing Erica's vision to life. If this won't be your first season with L2Toggle, you'll feel just like at home with our bot-friendly features like party gatekeeper, party leader loot, and so on. We will also use the same source files, so there shouldn't be many unexpected hiccups. What's different for Erica is that we want to bring the game back to its retail roots - low rates, rewarding grind, and competitive gameplay. Erica will have only a few buffs on Alt+b, very similar to what a newbie buffer has, so buffers will be crucial this time around. Dances/Songs and a few other buff durations have been changed to give more freedom for gameplay and allow easier mana management, especially in the early game. Complete Erica's Features can be found on the information sub-forum. We would like to thank all of you for your patience and continued support and hopefully see you soon in-game! You can find more details about features in the first post here or on our media below: https://lineage2toggle.com/ Erica Features L2 Toggle Discord
  6. I joined to learn more about l2j and read about upcoming interesting projects. Other than enjoying reading occasional dramas here ant there, I found a lot of friends and learned quite a bunch of new things. So I wish you to enjoy your time here and Welcome to MXC
  7. What did I just read? He's not against admin rights, he's against corruption and shady business.
  8. Do you have all required apps open? Verification emulator, process hook ("start"), and adrenaline?
  9. Same writing/formatting style, same images, "different" new accounts. How did you imagine getting away with this?
  10. It's alright, I got most of it
  11. Right under the preview image
  12. Gabriel offers top notch services. Good communication skills (and a friendly person) Good in-game knowledge Well structured and documented code Fast delivery I'm glad our paths crossed
  13. Not just SA, I'm afraid. I've been contacted multiple times by clan leaders looking to make money for joining the server.
  14. Best of luck, fam!
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