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Everything posted by Wantkill

  1. BOP +19 Zaken 3 lvl toi 6
  2. i have the perfect for your! talkme in skype: facebook:paul.emilio.90
  3. add me to skype: facebook:paul.emilio.lk
  4. PvP/Pk title color or count
  5. You must declare the instance (ej: L2Protector ) and then add L2ProtectorInstance = guard; <- ej guard.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.ATTACK, player); Its a example.
  6. jajajajaja. ............ paste the log of console eclipse.
  7. you use wamp, xamp? or? in the line MysqlBinPath replace for the MysqlBinPath of your. in my case is: C:\xampp\mysql\bin que estas usando¿ wamp, xamp o que? en la linea que dice mysqlbinpath= debes borrar eso y pegar el de tu mysql en mi caso es: C:\xampp\mysql\bin quedaria: mysqlbinpath=C:\xampp\mysql\bin
  8. check the droplist of monster and send picture.
  9. upl' pic from .bat and post here. check the url of mysql path in .bat file .
  10. Test This for(L2PcInstance player : getKnownList().getKnownType(L2PcInstance.class)) { if(player.isGM() || player.isDead() || !player.isVisible() || !isInsideRadius(player, 1250, false, false)) { getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.ATTACK, player); } }
  11. If trusted. i' adapted the code GvE or RvB to H5. ContactMe. Original Code from: IL I'm. Adapted to: GF/HB/H5/Ertheia I selling the SVN + Update Daily Contact: https://www.facebook.com/L2jFaction/ <- IMBOX https://www.facebook.com/L2jFaction/info/?tab=page_info <- WhatsApps, Imbox, Email. Topic in MaxCheaters: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201684-l2jfaction-svn-updates-daily/
  12. i send one PM to you.
  13. Hi guis. buy protection for acis pack. Anti-PHX Anti-Enchant Anti-Farm Anti-Adena Anti-Warehouse Hack Anti-Duplex Item Please send a PM in this forum.
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