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DLDL last won the day on March 9 2024

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    Saudi Arabia

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  1. Hey, I’m looking for good client developer who can implement dll file to make arabic language works correctly in high five client Discord: xdark0 Skype: live:.cid.58b5c4063e7b136d
  2. Hi, as the title says I am looking for l2off developer to help me preparing advext64 H5 files. We can discuss what I need on discord and set final price for everything. Please contact me on discord : xdark0
  3. I know him personally he is trusted guy I'll always reccomend him, GL with your sales
  4. Genius, top skill as usual. I will recommend him for ever <3.
  5. Great support and fast installation. I recommend his control panel
  6. Greetings adventurers, We would announce our new server L2- Battle Of Ragnarok | Chapter II Mid rate high five short term server Rates : XP/SP x20 Drop x17 Spoil x10 Adena x20 Enchant +4/+12 Enchant at oly +6 Features : - Custom Instances - Custom interface ( @SomikInterface) - Custom RB Jewels (Core - Orfen) - Custom Community board - Free AutoFarm - Epic Boss (Antharas - Valakas) every Thursday by turn - Raid Boss (Baium - Orfen - Core - Beleth - QA) twice a week by turn - No P2W Grand Opening 14 March 21:00 GMT+0 Join us now and have fun with your friends Website : https://l2-ragnarok.com Discord : https://discord.gg/nDBqMVYFyx Special thanks to everyone who helped us to get everything ready : Design : @protoftw @Ave Java services : @Psygrammator @BruT @Katara512 Web services : @l2-scripts Server interface : @Somik Trailer https://youtu.be/q02Q_qYR1xA?si=-FcSSgAyAHl98zdq
      • 4
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  7. Hi, I am looking for ready Wardrobe dressme system for H5 if you have it and you are willing to sell it please contact me. Discord: xdark0
  8. Hello, as title says I am looking for pro java developer can work on Intellij IDEA. I am working on my upcoming server (H5) and I need someone who can handle java programing side *if you are intrested in my offer and you have free time to fix my server problems please contact me* Payment can be for each task or monthly, prices can be agreed in DM. Discord : xdark0 Skype : live:.cid.3ecfee04da5cb8a0
  9. Hello, I am looking for mods can be added to my project (Java fandc H5) - Daily Pass (Rewards syetem at community board) you must have selected item to activate daily pass - Client side login screen load and save accounts details (just like scryde at login screen) if anyone can assist me at this mods, please contact me. Discord : battleofragnarok Skype : live:.cid.3ecfee04da5cb8a0
  10. Very good developer, trusted and skilled. GL with your sales
  11. Probably this error occurred because of your game client.. use clean client and try it again.
  12. We are delighted to announce our grand opening Chapter I : Olympiad Sever Grand opening will be 22 May, 20:00PM GMT+3 Server Info - Weekly heroes period (every Thursday). - Oly starts 12PM to 06AM GMT+3 - Starting points 50 and maximum matches 120. - Max enchant+6 - Infinity shots - All items are free except (Elegia - Bless Zaken - Bless Freya - Freya 2 weapons - custom cloaks) items not for free will be included at olympiad manager shop. Upcoming events are coming with grand opening : Real money events are upcoming with grand opening of olympiad server at 22 May Total rewards are 300$ First 50$ event will be at first day from grand opening (Monday) highest points for all classes except (Healers - Summoners - Defenders). Event will begin 22 May, from 22:00PM to 06:00AM GMT+3. Second 50$ will be at second day from grand opening (Tuesday) highest points for (Healers - Summoners - Defenders). Event will begin 23 May, from 19:00PM to 03:00AM GMT+3. Third event will be 100$ highest points starting from grand opening 22 May, until the end of first heroes period at 25 May. This event will be for all classes Last event 100$ best uploaded videos on Youtube Starting from grand opening 22, May until 3 July This event will be for best two uploaded videos for olympiad matches (reward will be split for 2 persons 50$ 50$) ️ Make sure to mention our server name and use our server logo on your video to confirm participating in this event. Registration are open for everyone (Minimum registration number for each event are 20) if we didn’t reach it, events will be on hold for next week from opening. (Participating list will be announced before grand opening to make sure that no one will enter it after grand opening) To confirm it, you can open support ticket at our discord from here : https://discord.gg/KW66KafJJB Sorry for that, actually we don’t have time to manage our website at this time (It’s not totally completed) Also, the music on background can be muted depending on your browser Our olympiad server are out of donation store (we are not trying to make it p2w) We will make sure to prepare it asap
  13. Greetings, We would announce that our project is too close from grand opening, many weeks has been spent working on it and still there's to much to work on. Our project will be Chapter I : Olympiad Server and Chapter II : Main Server (The greatest ragnarok comeback!) For now we foucs on Chapter I and open beta will start beginning from this topic. Please share this message with you friends, so they can enter open beta. Lineage II Battle of Ragnarok High Five Chapter I : Olympiad Server Server Status : Open Beta Hi everyone, we would announce that our server will be open from today for expierenced players as open beta. - Our goal is to discover critical issues on the server specially at olympiad, also our server based on java. - If you think you have good experience at lineage 2 H5 olympiad we would invite you to join us at open beta. - There will be special rewards for testers depending on what they discover during open beta. *Our project still not ready for full server information, it will be addad on this topic once it ready. Join us now and have fun! Website : https://www.l2-ragnarok.com Discord : https://discord.gg/KW66KafJJB Special thanks for our project partners who've work on it to make everythink ready asap @protoftw : Designer @Ave : Launcher and logo services @BruT : Java developer @911reg : Lobby screen editor @Somik : Server interface producer
  14. I've sent You a message on Discord
  15. Trusted, Skilled I advice to buy his services. He will design everything you need perfectly GL with your sales bro
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