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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Autoattack stops or what can you expain it with a video maybe?
  2. Im using it 2 years or more never happends something like this so its your own custom..check method OnDie if you have any custom
  3. Then it comes from custom feature..any captcha protection maybe?
  4. Server is running under vps dedicate give some more details
  5. Just where says the patch..+add -remove. If all file have + symbol in each line then you must create a new one file with the .java name
  6. No backdoors no virus..He is trusted as hell.. Maybe hot girls in dll but no backdoors or virus..you can even check the totalvirus link..
  7. I dont think that ovh is that shit im using it and i never had any lag with any ddos..last year i had ddos attacks like 5 hours but no lag at all
  8. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button:
  9. Since we are speaking for effect nothing to do with damage.. Should work normally.. Test it here l2centos.com
  10. If you want to use this with armors weapons its very easy to be done...
  11. Lets stay on topic let them trying..
  12. At least say thanks..you have already download it
  13. why someone will do it?i know that is clean
  14. Soz zak :D yes will not close Right Now In Server
  15. Server is Stable and Online For One Month now.. Daily fixes and updates to improve Our Gameplay.. New Zones And Features Will added Soon.. Class balances Looks Ok With Our Daily 50 Online community.. What are You Waiting For? Join Us and Enjoy..
  16. Main Post Updated With Latest Rev Links System Etc Offer Price 100e Until 31 August ...test server only available with contact with us.. Contact me or pirama if you want access in test Server..
  17. StartPointString=<span class="rank anonymous tooltip" title= Maybe to StartPointString=<span class="total votes" title=
  18. You can add a check enterworld.java if player dont have castle destroy this item.. But always is a lot of ways to do same things..
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