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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Test server will be available in next update.. Almost you better dont reply anymore..we want our files clean and we dont need to encrypt this you write lol..
  2. ExGuard Interlude Client Protection Antibot Description: ExGuard Forums : http://l2exteam.com/ Duration : LifeTime With Ip Or Domain work without To Open connections In Other Ip's "is only client->server/server->client" Feature LiveUpdate without restart server or client For The New Updates... every Client setup is different "client by client/server by server" every set up is on your system : support free 1 system for more is 10 euro for set up "for people who need different systems" support open url , Hwid and more Features... Blocks All known farm bots + Interface tools. Max Windows Per Pc Unlimmited Gameservers Price Options Ip Price 100e Domain Price 160e Contacts : Skype : vasilis.kostidis MaxCheaters Forum PM .. Payments : Paypal
  3. Some updates in last days.. http://l2centos.com/forums/index.php?/topic/56-new-changes-updates-20-6/
  4. He just sells a frozen pack for 1.000.000$ Best-updated-full working :/ l2joff like
  5. 30-40 ppl online daily more at nights.. not much but is ok
  6. Just check commit 8..there is the description
  7. Locked. With new buylists we have to register the npc id in castles.xml file..
  8. Not much..but we have changed all whole gameplay to easier...ppl dont want to farm like 10 days to obtain apella set so they can do in some hours now
  9. http://l2centos.com/forums/index.php?/topic/48-live-server-updates/&do=findComment&comment=175 Updates 12-6 List Updated.. FREE Vip 1 Day For New Players Full Clan For Every New Clan... S grade Only For Adena...
  10. Daily Updates To improve Our Gameplay http://l2centos.com/forums/index.php?/topic/48-live-server-updates/ New Server Desings Thanks Strain..
  11. 20:00 +2 Gmt = 21:00 gr Time
  12. 56 Minutes Left Download Our Patch Here http://l2centos.com/howtoconnect.php Have Fun...
  13. topic updated with Buff Slots 28+4 And Bosses Respawns
  14. Im Looking For Php Developer As soon As Possible..Drop Me a Pm here.. i need just a fix..
  15. Thanks all of you guys.. 1 day and some hours left be ready..
  16. You have to add some previews with any of your mods... Only words is not enought to get the trust of the people..
  17. go catch any girl first then you will understand what life means
  18. Who Are You Nab?http://prntscr.com/fgckkg yeah Sure Frozen Pack Go In Other Topics And Play With The guys In Your Age not with me
  19. Thank you very Much.. Soon Some Updates Will Be Available in our Forums... Join Us http://l2centos.com/forums/
  20. Our New Forum Is Up http://l2centos.com/forums/ Join Now Our Events Is Live Dont Miss It..
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