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Everything posted by drk

  1. omfg go kill yuor self. How the fuck you have +4 carma fucing reatrd.
  2. stop posting 2 years old cheat,first it is copy paste and from noowbie forums. Beter spam then making shit post. yes i like to flame:)
  3. Nah i will not flame hem any more,when you say it is working i will live the forum period.But i think our sweden firend will be only baned her:P GL with w8ing. to avoid spaming i will yust say this becoming maby best forum scam ever,people will share with you hiden post for yuor "exploit"info gg.
  4. first i dont like lame people ,and this so lame"i now great cheat, but i dont now should i share that or not" Why the fuck you even post anything then.I will live forum if he give you anything.He is yust another atention whore.
  5. cool you discovered something caled GM panel,lmao your cheat works if you have GM pover,lmao retard.
  6. yes like 1000k servers with same moto,no dotaion pff.No donations no server.
  7. you wana relax from plying l2 on another game?Why then you even play l2 dude,it is not yuor job or something?,get a RL.
  8. played 2 h and unistaled,sux hard.
  9. Andaron http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8876.60
  10. champion mobs dosnt exist on dn.
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14409.120 bertoandrea86
  12. well many people dosnt now how to turn on 2 or more walkers on same pc in same time,well it is cinda eazy,folow all the normal step for using walker and stop befor typing id ,then turn on second client*same as first change dll file* and and press home,now you can use 2 or more walkers in same time,now yuor pp bot dont have to be in pt with you ,he will heal you and buff you like in the pt,so exp if you want fast IvI go yust to 1 char. if someone need more info yust ask on pm dont spam.
  13. stop spaming.
  14. price for boss set in $?
  15. i will pm you later
  16. www.howtobecomefucingscamer.com using cheat for me is ok but taking someone hard work is fucing gay,use walker to farm and learn to play and no need to scam people.
  17. Cinda old :D it worked on hewain wall befor 1 month duno for now.
  18. how much you want?
  19. xaxa it is fixed and it is not big sicret,reported long time ago on dn forum bugs,and you spam to much.
  20. Are you stupid or something? You cant kill anyone with this exploit,it is yust for fun. P.S it is not any sicret on DN,90% now this.
  21. Only DN net ?
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