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Everything posted by d3d051

  1. Nevermind, I already found 'em here http://www.aden-territory.com/
  2. I'm looking for these maps http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4559.0 Unfortunately, all links are down, can any1 give me a hand here? TY
  3. I heard from a lot of ppl using it.. I will always love l2walker, but it doesn't work on most servers, and I don't get along bery well with l2net.. I'm gonna try it later
  4. I used it a lot and got no problems with it.. Maybe it's because it has to siff packets between client and server, and the antivirus detect it as not safe... Anyway, use it at your own risk, also most bugs don't work anymore
  5. I had a friend who got that problem.. Don't remember if he had to delete a file or just try repairing the installation.
  6. Nice tips for new players.. but I think you could detail it a little more... GJ anyways ^^
  7. It seems really cool ! I can't find the region part. I started playing LAS (Latin America), got any idea?
  8. I gotta try it later ! Seems pretty cool !
  9. This works on intherlude? I'm trying to login to an interlude server but it says wrong username or password.. I'm not having this problem with v384 Interlude.. If it supports interlude, how do I set it?
  10. Wow, this is useless but it's very cool.. I wouldn't have enough pacience/talent to do it.. you say 15k items? I would get bored after the 3rd item I throw ! GJ, nice skill you got there ! I really like homer, pikachu and trunks ^^
  11. I love C4, but I prefer mid rates... x7 or x10, even x15. I don't usually play low rate servers, I used to play x1 and don't want to do it again :P
  12. I don't know if they're epic.. They are really good, but if I have to choose one, it would be the first one against that blitz
  13. I love vayne, so vayne it is !
  14. 1st CS 1.6 2nd Age of Empires II 3rd DotA If you get bored playing this three games, then go outside and play some Football (soccer)
  15. I think the very first game I played was Jezz ball in a windows 3.11 OS.. don't remember very well.. I also played games like commander keen or some FPS like wolfenstein or doom... I also got games like sir "Addalot", it was a math game, also a puzzles game i think it was named "Jigsaw" or a game based on table games named Play Room or something like that... I really miss that days where I did nothing but play PC :P
  16. I played DotA 2 and didn't like it at all, I still prefer DotA... About the others, after playing DotA for a long time I installed HoN, but not for long... And now I'm playing LoL, which I don't know if it's the best of em, but I like it the most after DotA1... the problem is that my friends all are playing LoL, so I have no choice but to beat them there !
  17. L3 ? Never heard of it, but it would be great to see what it is like !
  18. Let me see if I get it, you're asking for items/characters? Even if I played there I wouldn't give away any account... Good luck in your search ^^
  19. Very usefull guide ! I'm still playing interlude and I love Saggitarius :P
  20. I'm currently playing www.inmortalgames.com (it's a server from Argentina) You can download the patch from here: http://www.inmortalgames.com/download/InmortalGames%20Lineage%20%5D%5B.exe You can use this account: ID: tester123 Pass: 123456789 It's a freya server, but can be played with gracia final client really fine. IP: Port: 3277 Protocol: 216 This is where I got with L2 walker: L2Walker was patched for RP2 (port: 3277, protocol: 216) WSS v2.7 by Sh00rGo 21:29:48 Link LoginServer Succeed. 21:29:49 上次登录服务器[01] 21:29:49 服务器[01]当前在线率:32.47%,能否登陆:能 21:29:51 Link GameServer Succeed. 21:29:51 ->Login GameServer Fail. From L2Net I got to the server selection part, when I chose the server it crashes. It would be great if any1 gives me a hand on this. On the webpage it says it has Lameguard anti-bot. I couldn't even use IG walker, so I just don't know what else to do! Thx for reading all this and I hope you can help me
  21. Hi, I'm currently playing a Freya server, and I just can't make any bot work (L2 Net, L2W) I know ip port and protocol, and I'm almost sure they're OK. IP: Port: 3277 Protocol Version: 216 The webpage of the server is www.inmortalgames.com (It's from argentina) here is the patch download link http://www.inmortalgames.com/download/InmortalGames%20Lineage%20%5D%5B.exe if you need an account use this one ID: tester123 Pass: 123456789 With L2w I got till here L2Walker was patched for RP2 (port: 3277, protocol: 216) WSS v2.7 by Sh00rGo 21:29:48 Link LoginServer Succeed. 21:29:49 上次登录服务器[01] 21:29:49 服务器[01]当前在线率:32.47%,能否登陆:能 21:29:51 Link GameServer Succeed. 21:29:51 ->Login GameServer Fail. From L2Net I got to the server selectio message, and when I choose the server it gives me an error. I'm currently playing with gracia final client and works fine. It would be great if you help me ! Thx
  22. I'd like to know if you can make OOG for this server: L2 Lifedrain 1)Chronicle: Interlude Game site: http://www.lifedrain.lt/ 2)IP: Port: 2106 Protocol: I think it's 746 but rly dunno and I can't use phx :/ L2.ini 3)Account: Test123 Pass: 123456
  23. Nice guide. Scripts are really usefull, I used to have some of them, but now they are here in 1 post thx for sharing :P
  24. Seems to be a pretty good trick. Gonna try it at my server later ^^
  25. Look, you are posting this on the wrong section. You should post it on help section. BTW, you don't even say what is the Script you want for. As far as I see, your english sucks!
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