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Everything posted by d3d051

  1. I think you mean that about using hellbound walker. Look, I've tryed almost every L2w available version, and got nothing, 1.78 doesn't load, and the others fail to verify. 2.05 could verify, but I can't see my skills or items, Map isn't working, my character info isn't working too. I'd like to know what walker version are you using, and what verify server (I use l2asrv 0.51) and if you could upload it to rapidshare and share it here I'd be very thankfull.
  2. You posted a what? where is it? Link to it plz!
  3. Seems that nobody is interested on helping ppl, I need this walker too, but no one helps. There is another post about this server, and same problem, nobody helps
  4. If It targets mobs maybe it's bcz it's an L2J and packets are different, so the problem io that the char wont move. It will only attack mobs that are rly close to your char (so it doesn't have to move). I have no solution to this. U can use some skills to attract mobs, like provoke with a warlord, agression with some warriors or lure with daggers.
  5. Thera are guides all hver the forum. Use search button
  6. Sometime before there was a npcname-e file wich differenced chests from boxes. I guess L2w recognizes the ID of the npc, but I can't tell you how, bcz I dunno
  7. I dont know why you want that script for. IMO you shoud use mana pot script, set non-attack to all of the other mobs(If you just want to attack chimera of darkness), self buff silent move and begin combat. If you want to use lure you can set it in combat heal I guess, where it says Skill 1. Finally, as I see your char is a dagger, so, if you are near death you can use fake death (Heal Options-> HP>30 Use skill Fake Death) and then where it says Stand you write like 50% or smth so it will stand again automatically. Again, I don't know why you need that script for.
  8. Or maybe wrong token, bcz I tryed OOG Walker and gave me token error. Maybe both are wrong. We need some speciallized ppl over here. We all want L2W on L2 extreme :(
  9. So, any ideas for this? I'm having the same problem. I need L2w IG in this server, but when I run L2 is like L2w is getting closed. I really need it. BTW, I looked in the l2.ini in my system folder and I got this IP instead of the one you put.
  10. Tnx, really helpfull for me. It helped me with some errors I had.
  11. Haha, nice share. Really funny to have some chars with the same name.
  12. Really good post. Thx for sharing this. This is really usefull
  13. In most servers I played, QA didn't curse you, even if you were lvl 80, so you could make a lot of damage with lvl 40 chars and then with lvl 80 kill it and it would drop.
  14. I think keys are much better. BTW, this topic has like 1 year old.
  15. Is there any "trick" section? LOL
  16. Nice one. Good exploits list.
  17. I don't think the first one is a bug. When one players gets into the map, he can always buy a weapon, even if the map is set to "Neither Ct or T can buy weapons", but the thing is that when another player joins the game, it will say "Game Comencing" and then what happens to your weapon? it desapears. Then, it's not a bug.
  18. Well, in some L2J servers, you could some bishops spamming you with battle heal, and when you died, you were on the ground, but fully healed, and you could attack while being "dead". It was already posted here in this forum. It's too old, fixed on a lot of servers, but, it worked. :D
  19. Nice, I'm gonna see that are this scripts about. Btw: Thx for your share :P
  20. I must try this. Seems to be great. Thx for the info BTW: what chronicle is this for? C4,C5,Interlude... ?
  21. Really, its a very good share, but I think that almost everyone think that the best jewel combination is: Valakas, Antharas, Zaken, AQ and Baium
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