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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. first of all about deadcheck Engine.GOHome(rtTown); ///here change to town or other it make to town (not clan hall) so probably you spawn random in town, second if User.inrange(86574,148326,-3470, 250, 150) then begin // ch Engine.MoveTo(86780,-142217,-1320); Engine.MoveTo(87103,-142760,-1320); Engine.MoveTo(83406,147931,-3406); end; only this for all random spawns in town? :D and if user.inrange(83371,147921,-3406, 150) then begin Engine.SetTarget(31964); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(700); Engine.DlgSel('Mystra'); Delay(700); Engine.DlgSel('High Level Hunting Areas'); Delay(10000); Engine.SetTarget('Mysta'); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(700); Engine.DlgSel('High Level Hunting Areas'); Delay(700); Engine.DlgSel('Dragon Valley cave'); Delay(1000); end; if user.inrange(83371,147921,-3406, 150) then begin must be ~same like last move point of town coordinates, that means when you be at certain point (near gatekeeper if no alt and b ) only then it will run this
  2. if adrenalin not show quest item so there is problem, you can try check quest status and make then
  3. this looks like show mobs count (if attack) but for some reason for me this doesnt work var AggroMobs:integer; function MobsAttacking : integer; //Сколько мобов нас атакует? var i, n: Integer; begin n := 0; AggroMobs:=0; for i := 0 to NpcList.Count - 1 do if (NpcList.Items(i).Target = User) and not NpcList.Items(i).Dead then inc(n); AggroMobs:= n; Result := n; end; begin print(MobsAttacking); end.
  4. yeah if you give more info, like how you use and dialog html then more chance to help, for now i can only guess where can be problems
  5. on java servers need to use bypasstoserver
  6. example if party member dead and less than 300 range var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to party.chars.count -1 do if party.chars.items(i).dead and (user.distto(party.chars.items(i))<300) then print(party.chars.items(i).name); end.
  7. http://prntscr.com/a5t168 and add what mobs dont attack and etc
  8. do you really newer check conditions? xd
  9. already tried :dat: works perfect :happyforever:
  10. its for summon new one if that is dead, checked and looks like works begin while true do begin delay(1000); while petlist.count <> 0 do delay(1000); engine.useskill(1331); delay(1000); delay(user.cast.endtime+2000); end; end.
  11. probably you kidding right? there no need any bypass for blaze becouse they dont use l2j guard anymore, so what you sell? cracked adr wich is shared? :dat:
  12. try add my in skype and we check it skype: adr.bot
  13. first of all, maps doesnt need to make it work properly, second about error you need make points more than 50 range or what ever that xd you add that points to close and thats why you get error when you draw map properly then go to "Combat zone" and mark map, then your draw map works, if you use center in then i guess it just ignore map and i see you flood for maps xd you can get it with updater, or from here http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/2V1MfPbA/file.html gl
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/198117-script-for-adrenaline-doesnt-work/
  15. to set target command looks correct, so you need check that id correct or not
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