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About Phantro

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    United States

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  1. Hi there. Anyone know's how to make epaulet's to drop for all, not only for who are in siege mode? I tried to find it in all java code, have found nothing. The drop in npcs, are normal drops, but drop only for who is registered!
  2. For long days I'm trying to contact someone from Sunrise. I lost my svn password and there is no way to recover. I already tried via Skype and message to admins on Sunrise forum. No replies and no way. I have 7 days to expire my gold plan and for long days I'm trying to get SVN access to test and know if ill buy and extend the time but shows no one care about!
  3. So nice job, PRO interface developers!
  4. Thank you everyone for the tips. I know when I have open source that not says I own the code. But it is just for my own job / my own server. Not to share or resell. ^^ I'll go for aCis.
  5. Wow, thank you Celestine for that. Lucera2 it shows doesn't come with sources. I wants to be free of any type of licenses or things with that I'll need future support from the sellers. It is not because I wants to resell, this will be for me, to work in a new server, but i wants to be free with all sources to edit anything of that i want. For l2jcode, i haven't found the website or informations. I'm little familiar with Acis and Frozen.
  6. Yes, i have good skills to work on that. My main question here is something like... What is the best sources files to "start my job" over this! Ofc I know free files will not works! As you said, ill be good to starting dev with the latest acis sources? Thank you for the tip!
  7. Here on mxc there is a lot of then.
  8. Hey guys, I see that we have so good files for H5. Too many projects and so many good files and different developers for H5 files, and almost all of then are so good. But... Why there is no good files for Interlude? All interlude files is always bad. I have so many files for interlude but they are all trash files. What is the best files WITH SOURCES for l2j interlude?
  9. It don't works for Paid version of adrenaline. Works for advext interlude?
  10. WTB Antibot for paid adrenaline version. There is no antibots working for this. I already tried with smartguard and sguard and they cant block paid adrenaline. I need it for l2off (interlude) and l2java (high five).
  11. There are no words to describe. Really helpful. Her work together with your team are top. I recommend to everyone who needs these type of services!
  12. Well, I see that some guys love to try say bad things about other peoples works. I believe in a topic like this, only clients who buy that is able to post replies. One of that guys, said in some post before: "The most important part is... if you have found a problem, and try talk with project sellers, almost all times you gonna gets ignored" Its not happen with Sguard. Every time you have little problem, you have all attention from the guys of sguard, and when you have a problem, after some minutes you have it solved. If you have discovered a problem with guard module... you gonna get instant reply and instant support. The war of bots and anti-bots will never finish, the most important thing is... if we discover anything working, we just get it fixed in some minutes. It is working LIKE A CHARM for me, and I'm sure, it is working for other servers admins too. The only one thing I can say is: "Thank you guys for create that sguard module and give us support when we need!"
  13. Well, I need to say that panel is a MONSTER panel. It has so many functions. Code is nicely commented of that we can do our changes. And the better part of all is support... these guys really help me with I want to do. The panel, also can be your main website, and it can handle languages. There is no words to talk about his. It is just fantastic! Thank you guys for develop a panel like this for us!
  14. Yes!!! This guy have the SKILLS of design! Good time delivery, did a lot of jobs for me, and I need to say, HE IS PRO! There is no words to talk about him! Thank you Strain for everything you did for me... and good luck with your sales/job!
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