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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. off and l2j became too mainstream i will make my own platform
  2. y i got many projects each second i open a new one, plus mwraiths is opening juxar
  3. this nexim must be in love with me axaxa seeing all my moves omagad ! Do you have camera watching me 24/7 ?
  4. wow everything was 100% accurate
  5. well i wanted to post that too but you came first anyway my point is as bad as it is this server what you do isnt nice at all
  6. i edited a bit the code , found few mistakes but still doesnt work , code has been updated
  7. looking for some help with this script : uses Classes, SysUtils, SettingsModule; //Feito por O AlquimistaNERD var charName: string; i: integer; SL: TStringList; spamDelay: integer; spamText: string; randomSymbolsCount: integer; procedure OnFree; begin SL.Free; print('Spam finished'); end; procedure loadConfig; var MySet: TSettings; begin MySet.SetFile(Script.Path + 'SpamConfig.ini'); spamDelay := MySet.Load('Params', 'Spam delay', 2999); //Tempo de intervalo spamText := MySet.Load('Params', 'Spam text', 'Esvreva aqui!'); //Mensagem randomSymbolsCount := MySet.Load('Params', 'Random symbols count', 4); print('Spam delay: ' + IntToStr(spamDelay)); print('Spam text: ' + spamText); print('Random symbols count: ' + IntToStr(randomSymbolsCount)); end; function getRandomString(size: integer): string; const alphabet = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i:=0 to size-1 do begin Result := Result + alphabet[Random(Length(alphabet)-1)]; end; end; begin SL := TStringList.Create; loadConfig; while true do begin for i := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin charName := CharList.Items(i).name; if (charName <> '') and (SL.IndexOf(charName) = -1) then begin SL.add(charName); if Engine.Say(spamText + ' ' + getRandomString(randomSymbolsCount), 2, charName) then print('Spammed to: ' + charName); delay(spamDelay); end else delay(100); end; end; end.
  8. good luck with your project
  9. who said they are dropable ? my likes were dropable about 3 months ago and i stopped my services i already have gave a total amount of 42k likes to my customers and till now all have their likes
  10. i clearly said i have no clue from dev part i am even not there , i dont sell bots/packs/files and etc etc
  11. i can sell you likes and youwill be able to make any page you wish with 10k likes or even more
  12. actually i have no clue from dev part and still making good money as i said above there are many ways to make good money in l2 :)
  13. in general there are many ways to make good money in l2
  14. for me is just to relax a bit and take money nothing less nothing more
  15. Well it is not like the old times anymore but still lineage can offer you really good money :)
  16. you really think that DDOS is just for items ? Admins or just people who dont like some specific admin of other project paying a lot of money to destroy other servers/projects ( with DDOS and more ) , in few words ddos is not just for "gib mi itemz or mi ddos u "
  17. dude wake up it is x55 H5 !!! not c6 x1 omg
  18. I thought it was something serious but seems like it is total shit like all the other servers !! [20.12.2015 г. 13:17:39] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:07] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: so pay me small + items game [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:16] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: like dual + 14-15 [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:23] SeiferRealm: let me give you donate coins [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:27] SeiferRealm: cuz my paypal blocked [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:42] SeiferRealm: how much donate coins did you want [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:43] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: so donate coin i can get [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:50] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: only donate [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:55] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: cant back me paypal ? [20.12.2015 г. 13:18:58] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: so [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:01] SeiferRealm: i will paypal but after 7 days [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:04] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: ok [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:07] SeiferRealm: cuz some people take money back [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:07] SeiferRealm: and [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:17] SeiferRealm: paypal blocked my account [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:18] SeiferRealm: for 7 days [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:22] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: aha [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:27] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: 1 st i want dual + 15 [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:36] SeiferRealm: bro for keep server allive [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:41] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: bro [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:43] SeiferRealm: nobody dont have weapon more then +12 [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:44] SeiferRealm: let me give you +13 [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:48] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: 14 [20.12.2015 г. 13:19:51] ™۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩®NaSkO®۩͇̿V͇̿I͇̿P͇̿۩™: las
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