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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. best recall 975rp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLr1WEoes_E
  2. Here for Java files and Here for off files. Also if you wanna share something add some screens too.
  3. First of all you're in the wrong section. Anyway here is the translation. Good evening i made a file for my server with donate tickets and i thought to share it... i found them from another server and i adapted to mine. i hope i helped. Here is the link
  4. The only recent rework that seems to have less* ponential in peoples eyes. Too much negetivity for this rework. Imo i totally agree with the rest. still not* op Now she became a mechanical champ imo. -Still waiting for Taric rework.
  5. rip Fiora support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FazxITwmqTQ
  6. Use the bump button in order to bump your topic
  7. Meh my potato can't do anything elseBut I'll update it soon soon
  8. http://www.twitch.tv/firefox_aurora
  9. Ya why not. If you remove the SS stuff I'll watch ya too.
  10. `Sanctus


    new spam topic?
  11. `Sanctus


    New days new me
  12. So it's a hero! server... I guess
  13. `Sanctus


    Earlier than Aurora tho ;(
  14. `Sanctus


    Samaras disapeared
  15. Δεν είναι καθόλου χαζό imo. Θα δεις το smite σε top sion shyvana mundo (αν και το smite top δεν πολύ το βλέπω τώρα τελευταία) και mid ezreal ekko , όπου οι 4 από τους 5 δεν είναι μονο laners αλλα και junglers. Τώρα άμα δεν μπορείς να κανεις secure dragon λόγο ότι το αντίπαλο mid top έχει smite είναι δικό σου πρόβλημα.
  16. This is really good guide created by Phreak about Masteries and Runes. If you are new at league or you got problems about choosing your Masteries and Runes this will help you a lot. I was about to make a guide about this but the following video is what you need. (Basic , Jungle , Mid , ADC , Support , Top , APvsAP , APvsAD, ADvsAP etc ) Check it below
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