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About navatnas

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  1. Looking for a developer to collaborate on a project with experience in server management, specifically downgrading from C6 to C4 configurations. Open to discussing pricing based on skill level. PM
  2. Hello any ideas, how to make different ips on different l2.exe screen's?
  3. Have that shit :) still working in some servers :)
  4. Looking for dev who have a lot of experience in making (interlude 15x-100x) lineage 2 server's from zero to hero. Send me your work's in private and write how much u want $ for hour.
  5. Because in templestock they are selling some works with dkarts and coolness watermarks on sites (check it). Anyway i don`t think so that "templestock" studio would be taken your or anyone else work's.. I checked that tempelstock company uploaded "Warland" site on 05/09/2019 and you uploaded it on septemer 1 in deviantart...
  6. half of these work's are dkart and coolness studio works...
  7. need also:)
  8. Hello, selling website psd+code, which havent used.. Contact me email for test: Gintas.ltu@gmail.com or skype: Parapapapa.mp3
  9. Sguard, send in pm demo acp.
  10. thanks for share :p )
  11. Join the twitch ! :)
  12. Who can give information about l2jlonely emulator ?:) Is it better when acis and lucera ?
  13. What's exectly better Java pack's ACIS with a lot of features or OFF files ADVEXT64 with less features for mid / low rate server?
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