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Everything posted by ZOUMHS

  1. Lineage II Eternal Sin - Athena x45 Classic - C4 Official Grand Opening - 27/10/2023 19:00 GMT+2 Site: http://esl2.org/ Discord: https://discord.gg/vSUV6UAMBg Prepare your team NOW!
  2. Its old but they have 2-3 addons good. You can use it for C6 mid-PvP java like servers
  3. Have a good sales my friend, i bought the gold Classic avellan server pack and added on my collection with Original L2OFF C4 Gold files.
  4. They dont exit timer on buffs on C3, i dont know if you can edit client or to see it.
  5. 4 years passed for C4 so today and tomorrow we give to lovers of C4 a discount! Only 110€ full server pack / Source.
  6. The SevenSin is the biggest scammer ever see. This guy is the reasib they leaked the files Vanganth classic from MetaMan. They buy it from me and than want it always free fixes etc and than make refund. They make refund also and at my friend Amenadiel when they buy script fixes. This guy sevensign is just a joke. When Fotis TrevorJ will left him will come to me or to skylord to cry for fixes but will take my balls for sure. Sorry for ny badwords but this is the true. "i don't have time to write more" good day guys.
  7. Wts c4 Source and datapack with script original C4 and not downgraded c6 Vanganth. Geodata very good. Source is Vanganth downgraded C4. my site is www.esl2.org. Is running my custom server c4 Athena x45. Give a test. Im selling it 200€
  8. Thanks you very much, i will test it.
  9. @TrancePrice added. 250 Euro or Trade offer. Server datapack and Source. Only serious pms.
  10. I dont have any specific price to post. Offer or Trade. PS: Price added. I'm follow the rules.
  11. Athena x45 Features List -Rates: - x45 Experience - x55 Skill Points -x200 Adena - x25 Spoil - x5 Seal Stones - x1 Drop - Weapons Information: -Safe Enchant +3 -Maximum Enchant +20 -Magic Weapon 45% Enchant Rate -Warrior Weapon 60% Enchant Rate - Armors/Weapons and Jewels Information: -New Armors - Special Ability S-Grade, now you can upgrade your S grade armor with a S/A. Example: Draconic Leather Armor has 3 options , Evasion, Ranger , Assassin. -Mithril Mines (Center) monsters will drop a spoilable item (Blood of Chaos) this will allow the player to add Special Ability to a S Grade Armor. Maximum Armor enchant +8 -New Armors - Ancient Armors -Ancient Armors are dropable from Raidbosses with a low chance and can be upgraded to Eternal Epic Armors for some blood of chaos -Epic Armors are dropable from Grandbosses with a low chance -Armors and Jewels Safe Enchant +3 -Hard Enchant Rate -Shop about to B grades -A grade weapons/armors traded from ancient merchant for sort of adenas and ancient adenas -No A/S blessed grade scrolls in shop (Raid or spoil in custom zones) - Customized Zones: -Imperial Tomb Chaotic (72-78) Farm/PvP Area - This area was customized to a Chaotic Zone Area: -Players with Karma won't drop items when killed inside one of the rooms; -S Grade Weapons are obtained in this zone (Monsters inside the rooms will drop the weapons) - There's only this method to obtain S Grade Weapons -Blood of Chaos that are a material required for gear are also dropable only by Imperial Tomb Chaotic Monsters -Mithril Mines Entrance (61-74): -Leveling area (Recommended 65-75) -Seal Stones Farm (Green and Blue) -Mithril Mines Center (74-78): -Seal Stones Farm (Green, Blue and Red) -Blood of Chaos Farm(Spoil) - Item required to add Special Ability to an S Grade Armor Set - Mithril Mines Grounds (74-78): -Seal Stones Farm (Green, Blue and Red) -Level 80 Raidbosses were added to end of this zone (Thief Kelbar, Anakim and Lilith) -Customized Raidbosses - located in Mithril Mines -These Raidbosses drop Raid Letter, Ancient Weapons and misc items. -C5 Skills added. - NPC's Added: -Global Gatekeeper (Minerva) -Ancient Merchant: In this Merchant you exchange your Ancient Adena and add Special Ability to your Armor and Weapon -Exchange Raid Letters for Ancient Weapons -Purchase A Grade Armors / S Grade Armors -Purchase A Grade Jewels / S Grade Jewels -Add Special Ability to S Grade Weapons / Armor -Exchange Seal Stones for Ancient Adena -General Buffer: -The level of the buffs aren't maximized, giving the purpose and utility to Support Classes (Hierophant, Sword Muse, Eva Saint, Spectral Dancer, Shillen Saint, Doomcryer) -Available for S Grade Weapons only -Allows a player to receive a Prophecy. (Wind, Water, Fire & CoV) - Quests: -Subclass (Quest required) -Noblesse (Quest required)) - Olympiad: -Retail like every month heroes.. - Misc: -24+4 Buff Slots -Auto learn skills -Class Master -Offline shop system. Facebook: l2eternalsin Skype: zoumhs999 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bvAwTYzMGj Website: https://esl2.org/ Forums: https://esl2.org/forums/ Grand Opening: 10/03/2023 - 19:00 PM GMT +2 Server is not Classic, is C4 Scions of Destiny.
  12. Hello guys, im selling vanganth c4 connect on protocol 110 classic interlude gameplay. Im working alone and its just a hobby time on this, i will sell it only to a developers how know what to do with this files and ofcourse i will support him til the skills i have. Fixed: Enchant scroll items. Fixed: Skill enchant crash. Fixed: Double items quest. Fixed: Fixed Inventory slots. Fixed: macro bug. Fixed Pet inventory issue dont showing items. Vip system updated level up etc. Fixed: Fishing system. Fixed: swimming in the water a bug. Fixed: drain skills like vampiric touch, dont take back HP only hit dmg. Fixed: Action House system. Fixed: refund system a bug found. Fixed: level up system. Fixed: castle siege system. Fixed: olympiad system. Fixed: agathions system. Fixed: guards crash. Fixes: L2Server delay lag. Today/Updated/Fixed VIP System v2.23 Every mob you killing you take 1 Point or more its your choice in config. When you reach the points you get automatically level up your vip example from lvl 1 to lvl 2. If you die from a mob or pvp you loose points. I have put 100 for example. Fixed the problem with Exp/SP/ etc when you level up your vip levels. Fixed L2Store problem with table names bug. Fixed L2Store you can choose with our config with what VIP level you want to sell with Donation Coins and ofcourse example if you want to see any list of items at level 5 etc if you want something like this anyway. Fixed: Vampiric Claw or Vampiric Touch skill etc drain HP they was a bug on source and dont drain HP from mobs. Fixed: mini shortcut bug. Fixed: Vip system and L2Store. Fixed: Refund system. Fixed: MemoryObject Fix Critical Bug (Crash). Fixed: Spoil Fix when mobs die. Fixed: Relation Fix. Fixed: Shift+Click drop or spoil chance bug example 0.98ea455%. Thanks for share fix, Amenadiel. Fixed: Npc Server Fix to vftable error. Fixed: Stability Fix at load the FastWorld Enter NPC (Crash it sometimes the npc). Fixed: Fix auto restart the NPC. Fixed: Fix cached for logd srv (crash when open the logd). Fixed: Fix packet abnromal type on skills . Fixed: Fix IODeadlockChecker some times dont move to the correct thread. Fixed-Beta: Mail System -> is beta. Needs for tests. [Need rework Cached]. Fixed: songs and dances a bug time. Fixed: debuff issue when die. Fixed: Herb System for herbs time on the ground. Fixed: Agathions system. Fixed: HairSlot2 -> Harideco texture when equip. Fixed: Friend system 100% working. Fixed: siege icons Attack or Defend. Fixed: Mail system fully working. Fixed: shortcut skill in the bar. Fixed Swimming on water. Fixed: Classic html missing in giran grocery and weapon masters also gludin and gludio at exchange until level 25. *Inprogress* Last Fixes on geodata bug founds: Abondoned Coal mines and Abondoned Camp. From the list UP everything is not fixed here from this shit shared from MetaMan: Here i have some screens ingame: https://imgur.com/a/qwsPAHP Also had a server to test by yourself here, https://esl2.org/valkyrie/ skype: zoumhs999 Discord: EternalSin L2 #1990 Only Serious pms, im selling Source datapack everything. if you interested send me a message. Price: 250Euros or Trade offer.
  13. Yes understand your opinion, you running real classic files and you can ofcourse downgrade it and do what ever you want also and with GF or HF. but you forget what is different here, The MotherCore of original C4 -> L2Server.exe. This means for the lovers and fans of C4 Core system is the best for Classic C4 - Interlude. This is the different here. Also all functions from client fixed and working on C4 Vanganth- Classic Interlude. Anyway im saying just my opinion.
  14. I have write you already on other forum site.
  15. Guytis-Gustavo, Its not the same ofcourse. This files in this share created before one year plus and its a test server expirement files. For thoses like a Vanganth Interlude gameplay in classic client with better fps and stable gameplay from interlude client. If anyone like it, can buy the stable version from @TravorJwith all known bugs fixed. I can provide a server to test also in https://esl2.org/valkyrie/
  16. Yes i mean you, i write your name with tag, @TravorJ
  17. +1, This share is a Test on Classic client with interlude gameplay. important is Not for Live server have bugs and crashes. If you like, you can purchase the Live full version from the original creator @TravorJ
  18. Eternal Sin - Valkyrie - Lineage 2 Classic Interlude. Server is based on Vanganth C4 PTS files, Geodata and Pathnodes and aims to keep as close to retail Chronicle Classic Interlude patch while most servers are higher chronicles, here is some useful information: Time Server, Site and Forum - GMT +2 Buff times: Regular /Basic/ buffs 20 minutes Dances, Songs and Summon /Pet/ buffs 2 minutes Third class buffs - 5 minutes Chance Maximum Debuffs - retail Olympiad System - retail Server is bot free! Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes Sub-Class Quest - Yes Sub-Class Maximum Level - 80 Master Class - no Offline mode Shop - Yes Auto Learn Skills - Yes Auto Learn Loot - Yes Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Not Noblesse System - Yes Champions System - No Wedding System - No Dual Boxing: Unlimited Buff Shop to sell your buffs .buffshop Cloaks added. Alt+B Auction system. Rates Experience (EXP) - 1x Skill Points (SP) - 1x Adena - 1x Drop Items - 1x Quest Experience (EXP) - 1x Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1x Quest Adena - 1x Quest Items Drop - 1x Spoil - 1x Manor - 1x Extract Fish - 1x Enchants Enchant rates: retail All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant. https://esl2.org/valkyrie/ Some screenshots ingame. https://imgur.com/a/qwsPAHP
  19. Open your windows cmd with administrator rights than, You must run the command "sc delete MySQL" where "MySQL" is the name of the service than try again to install your mysql setup.
  20. It's trusted go away. @SkyLord Have a good sales my friend. Ps check my message i send you on mxc.
  21. Discount 110€ full server pack ready to go X1 with source.
  22. Thanks for our comments. I want only C4 to add slot 3 bars
  23. Im looking for some client dev if can adapt from c5 or C6 the 3bars skill slot to c4 client. I don't care about interlude downgraded client to c4. I want C4 mother client to make to work 3 bar slots.
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