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Everything posted by Drag0nik

  1. WOW This is the real next generation of L2!!! C4, Town buffers, Titanium, Dusk, Hero skills, damn that's SO NEXT GENERATION not
  2. Playing since C3, but Gracia 2.3 > all for real! But yeah, on privates I do prefer Interlude atm, just cuz I dislike java and L2OFF above IL is cr*p (well there are some nice HB L2Off's already but still most of them are managed by kids who only want money).
  3. Well I can't even open client lol, I tried first with Gracia 2 client, updater took me 2 hours to full update, then I get critical error. Then I downloaded Hellbound client, did 2 hour update again and same critical error. And if I don't do the updater I just get Access failed. when trying to login. Any ideas?
  4. I can offer some L2Gold items if ur interested (but I guess you only want money :p)
  5. And then 10-box or what? x_X
  6. WTT Items from L2EuroWorld for a AIO on Renewal! I can also offer a Halisha +17 for a DB+15 FOCUS (or more). PM on forum only, we will talk on MSN after.
  7. 5000+ online? I don't believe that but ok I will check it.
  8. Full list: Armor(s): - Dynasty Light +8 (Only the pants are +3). - Apella Light +8 100%. Weapon(s): - Bow of Halisha +17. - Lady's Fan +16. LIST WILL BE UPDATED LATER TONIGHT. MSN: PM me on this forum with your MSN adress, I will add you. I only accept bank transfer to avoid being scammed by scrubs who recall money on paypal.
  9. It only worked on my Garcia client aswell, for some reason it kept crashing on Hellbound. Try that perhaps it will fix your problem too.
  10. use an older version of walker, you're using garacia oog on interlude server.
  11. Hi, so I'm having some probs with IG walker on this server (http://l2-universe.com/), the Interlude server. Well I can login with it and "bot" with melee classes without using skills, but IG it doesn't show me any skills, all mobs have 100 hp in the walker HP/MP thing (while I'm hitting for 1k +), sound alarms are not working for any raidboss, etc.. So anyone knows how they did it? Are those changes clientside (and bypassable) or it's a lost case? Some more info about this server: - Interlude L2Off - Patch: http://update.l2-universe.com/NEWsystem.rar - Reg: - Walker I used: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45614.0 (I tried other interlude walkers aswell but I only got to login with this one, probably cuz it's using the same files as survival/eternal. - Interlude GG killer: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/746_NOGG_PATCH.zip If anyone knows a solution for this, I'd like to hear it :) tnx in advance Edit: same problem with OOG..
  12. http://files.filefront.com/L2Reloaded+IG+walkerInstrsrar/;13080482;/fileinfo.html IG walker works aswell if you follow the steps in this file
  13. Had a full pt running and I got banned cuz some fagget (won't call his name) who asked on elitepvp forum before how to bot on reloaded reported me cuz I didn't wanna explain him :]
  14. Try downloading GG blocker for the client your server is using (website: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/)
  15. IG walker for Reloaded (HB) (packed by a friend of mine, read the instructions inside): http://files.filefront.com/L2Reloaded+IG+walkerInstrsrar/;13080482;/fileinfo.html L2net http://files.filefront.com/L2NET+for+L2ReloadedInstrsrar/;13080733;/fileinfo.html (don't forget to change the IP since he packed it before the server transfer! New ip: Proof of L2net still working: hf
  16. I'm still able to use L2net without any problem, but I'm not playing anymore since I got banned for the 2nd time at lvl 70 with my bottrain http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45789.msg320730#msg320730
  17. rly a good server, dno why all this highrate ppl are crying so hard ;)
  18. I get the same error, if u don't use the gg disabler it just doersn't load the game, but with the dissabler u get ig, see the mob hp thing on screen but u can't attack and some options make the client crash :s
  19. this server is stupid, and community even worse
  20. Could you pm me the password maybe?
  21. Search function ? :S http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25564.0
  22. this server is a joke GMs was giving away items before, i know some guys, which got those items, back when it was called l2heavensgate, still wasnt staying on that server, because it was full of custom crap, thats why it got tons of wipe now nothing has changed, its just even more disadvantage to non-donator players, since you can donate for everything in this server, the biggest LOL is being able to donate for BOSS jewels i approve the guy, which managed to hack b1
  23. www.l2g-oldskool.com
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