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Everything posted by Drag0nik

  1. Anyone found a way to bypass this new update already?
  2. as necro i wouldnt use battle heal cuz u get enogh hp back with vortex / claw but for otehr mages it helps fosho and if u are necro dont add dark vortex to the spell atack add there vampiric claw cuz its more usefull to cast vortex if the mob is full hp just my 2 sent
  3. well i use the same method to bo on another server but with ig walker and i get dced and ported to TI every 10 - 20 mins Edit: so anyone got decent guide for L2net @ Survival? ;s
  4. till now there wont work any walker cuz as soon as the walker get loaded in your system it kickes u every 10 mins from server had the same when i was just botting on oterh server so if u want to play on survival atm just close al walker apps
  5. Work done! Have your fun! xD Great upload
  6. Well it works for me on most clients, but some servers it doesn't verify using this method. I suggest you just search a bit further on this forums cuz there are alot of L2Walker clients now for all chronicles that work without problems on Win7.
  7. English no has!1
  8. L2Maxaxaxaxaxaxa
  9. that means he got 2 parts from IC set and 3 tts jewels ( 5 slots for jewels he got 3 so 3 / 5 tts ) ^^
  10. WTS 3 Accs on RPG Club New World [5x] We stoped playing cuz of no time 1. Cardinal 78 80% - 75 Tyrant - 65 WC - Noble Chicken 70 or 71 g Wolf 76 around 15 vote coins DC set sealed dc helmet around 70 or 80kk Sealed Arcana Siegel SoV Acu 2/5 TTS 1 Foundated 3 Cakes in WH If u buy this acc i add a Spoiler acc lvl 65 with CWh and a few mats like 100+ s cokes 100+ m aloy etc and a second chicken for spoiler 2. [ DoomBringer is Closed till the weeksend] DoomBringer 78 - Soul Braker 68 S wep +1 3/5 tts G wolf 70 around 40 vote coins 2 Books Around 15kk Adena Other gear is Common 3. Spectral Dancer 79 - Destro 75 - Pala or DA 4x Noble Drac Bow Dual S 2/5 IC 3/5 tts G Wolf 75 Around 85kk Adena Ketra Ally Lvl 5 Quest + some q items All 3 Chars got normal names i only look for cash no trades for items etc just cash and only with paypal ps: Cardinal is my char the Doombringer / SD are from friends
  11. trade AIO on l2-Renewal for AIO on L2MxC
  12. it was the 30x server but its closed now how i know it ? cuz he started the thread at December 12, 2009 and thee wasnt any other english server than the 30x
  13. no i didnt sold it till nopw cuz i found some friends there so i didnt quitted till now but as i think i will quit soon cuz friends left again or got banned qq
  14. Every IL server from the past 2 years failed. Max uptime was what? 3 months?
  15. I want to sell or trade my acc on rpg club 5x Cardinal 78 - tyrant 75 - warcryer 62 Noble ( tyrant sub skillz = cp and 2 timed pdef ) DC Robe set, valhalla acu + aqua splash aug, 1 found tts ring, 1 normal tts ring rest common phoenix sub gear is common lf cash or items on L2MxC
  16. Looks really cool, but doesn't work on my Win7 x64 ;( tried everything
  17. no not rly l2net can use cp pots elixirs etc
  18. I had a IL bot that ran perfect on my Win7 x64, but forgot where I dlded it and don't have it anymore.. try any of the guides to run Walker on Win7 (use search)
  19. I've found this solution myself like 2 days ago, started playing L2 again and found out that IG Walker wouldn't start on my Windows 7 installation. So here it goes, it's really simple and you don't have to edit ANY files! Step 1: Download the IG Walker for your chronicle, I used L2Walker for Gracia Final, on RPG-Club. Step 2: Download Wininject: http://rapidshare.com/files/351224562/Winject.rar and extract it anywhere (or just in your L2Walker folder to make it easy) Step 3: Open Wininject, now press on "File" -> "Select File" and search for L2.exe of your client. Now under "DLL to inject" in the main menu, go to the folder where you installed L2Walker and select L2Walker.dll (or LineageII.dll, depends on the chronicle). Step 4: Press launch ;) NOTE: You still need to use the hosts file and/or run a seperated file to activate the walker if it's not pre-cracked! Enjoy ;)
  20. There is a much easier way to get L2Walker running on Windows 7 lol :DD I might post a small guide later if I got some time
  21. Wow dude this topic is more then 2 years old.. you really expect this to work now?
  22. would u upload your system folder for kastien ?
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