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Everything posted by Drag0nik

  1. lol guys this thread is started like 6 month ago and the serverr is now HB so this walker WONT work anymore
  2. Quote from: MrDefault on September 10, 2009, 10:41:52 AM IG exe has Hurigon Trojan.... (A keylogger program that can capture all user keystrokes (including confidential details such username, password, credit card number, etc.) scanned with ESET NOD32 Links removed, thread closed. Contains trojan, probability of a keylogger. Topic locked. « Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 10:48:41 AM by Lain » and i delated the walker btw it wasnt a keylogger but if u guys think
  3. yes i tzalked about this server and forgot the link lol and as i said i dont think u will find a server retail style with gm shop never saw one just some rly crapy l2j server with 90% buggs
  4. still lf a server ? try this got many ppl 2 servers 100x & 12x retail style both server Hellbound but no gm shop as u said and i guess u wont find any retail style server with off files and gm shop
  5. It increases both ...
  6. Well someone on PP posted (a dev so he knows alot more about this stuff then we ofc) that you just need do remove some files, replace some files with original files & then find the blowfish .. so if someone is able to do that would be really cool cuz I have no idea how to do this kind of stuff.. Anyway if someone wants to give it a try here is some server info: Site: http://www.l2kastien.com/ Patch: http://l2reloaded.org/Kastien-system.rar Reg: http://www.l2kastien.com/register.php Chronicle: Hellbound (CT1.5)
  7. http://www.4shared.com/file/17411388/82fe0cc5/L2Walker_147.html?s=1 That's IG, check http://www.4shared.com/dir/2269008/3ad9a8b9/adlerbr.html for more, he got like everything for L2Walker. PS I didn't upload this just giving you the links gl
  8. I have no problem at all running IG walker for C4/IL & HB (Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit)
  9. It's a false/positive but w/e I'm using it for years already (since L2Gold) and never had any of my accounts hacked or w/e
  10. Problem here is that I use a webproxy at school or at work when I browser forums cuz it's all blocked.. so when I'm at school or work pc I got IP from other country (I use this: www.zend2.com)...
  11. More info maybe, I don't got it installed aswell (copied from my external HDD) and it works fine for me. IG or OOG?
  12. IG walker added to the first post, hf @ danila, some more details please? It works fine for me and all my friends that are using it .. btw is your host file correct? did u used the token.exe for the oog walker ? # OLD L2Walker Verification Servers vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com # NEW L2Walker Verification Servers vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com @ ђ๏†ωђээℓž, leveling is kinda easy (especially now because High Rate event is open for 3 days) + walker works + npc buffers etc :p, rates are 90x
  13. Ofcrous I did, I made it myself & I'm using it right atm (got like 5 chars running in IT :))
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78174.new#new
  15. Problem solved, I will upload the fully working OOG client and share it ;)
  16. Well, since it's the same files as the old L2G-OldSkool, I tought the old walker would do it by just changing the IP. But when I do that I get this error: 18:12:00 Now we will use local verification:o) 18:12:00 Enjoy! 18:12:00 Link LoginServer Succeed. 18:12:00 ->Login LoginServer Fail. Info: URL: http://l2g-oldschool.com/ Client: C4 Set.ini: [DEFAULT] CountryList=L2G DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount= DefaultPassWord= [L2G] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2090 ProtocolVersion=656 Serverlist=[]L2GOS Token=5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 Anyone knows how to fix it ?
  17. i get a strange error when i try to start l2.net its says get the latest version of directX but i got the latest version anyone got a solution? nvm just had to update to net framework 3.5 -.- now i got the problem that gg can connect or something like that i added the lines which are postet in the first post and cant start the game than i delated them and it starts Edit: i found the solution download the gg killer from here ----> http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/wildcard.rar add this to your hosts file localhost l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com go to your system folden copy the l2.bin and rename the copyed file to l2.exe Start L2NET File -> Logon Window Press IG than Listen button start IG walker iam using 2.13 than search the l2.exe like always and press RUN Happy Botting
  18. start the game w/o walker open the Task Manager and check which .des file is used. thats how i did it
  19. i know that it works there i just ned a solution why the -beep- my client wont open. i used a clean l2.ini and the client opened than i edited it and it wont open anymore o.O ps: u can upload your l2.ini from the walker system folder is its works for u ^^
  20. wtf yes its bakeice and server is euroworld - L2Platinum oog work just got the prob with the l2.ini that the client wont start
  21. i did but still it wont open lol i added as IP but after that its not starting
  22. well i still got the problem that he wont open the client with the l2.ini
  23. yo guys maybe someone can help me. I followed the guide but i got the problem that the client wont open if u use the L2.ini which is posted in the guide. so iam using 2 clients 1 clean and 1 updated with bakeIce so i hope i didnt miss understood that with the clean system folder.
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