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Sawadee last won the day on February 5 2017

Sawadee had the most liked content!

About Sawadee

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    Quae nocent saepe docent

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Community Answers

  1. You're welcome :)
  2. well i fixed the problem :D but when i try to download the htmls part the link is down files are missing... so we have to make our own htmls?
  3. i have this problem: http://prntscr.com/g1ejfp cant register the usercommandhandler wtf
  4. I had no problem with this interface even my friends had no issues with it, i will test it again and pm you back
  5. Can my - Deque account get unbanned? before asking me if its mine i can prove and give u all the right information u need so we can clarify that deque was my main account.
  6. I dont like it either but i think the background is fine without the logo.
  7. yea i have password on mysql
  8. Link is updated, feel free to download.
  9. i take the clean compiled files and i just make a new database on navicat with name l2avalive, i set the mysql password on the configs and i try to login with the patch you gave, but it doest login how can i do something wrong when im not doin something different.
  10. Its impossible to login with the given patch... theres something wrong ip is bind to a file and the ini has already the local ip so it must login but it doest because the old server's ip (l2ava) is bound to a file inside the system and it redirects you to that specific loginserver.
  11. i have totally no issue on gameserver and loginserver, i just take the system without change anything i take the compiled files just put password root on the configs cause my msql is configured with password i dont even change the db location name which is l2avalive i install the database but when i try to login it says wrong password when i write id and pass
  12. or the lameguard is the problem? how can i disable or delete it
  13. so you tell me i should not change anything?
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